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  1. Mong0

    Harvesting and Curing specifically for edibles

    I'm currently working on my first grow, and still taking in lots of info. One thing I was wondering is if there was any different procedure if the only thing I was planning on doing with my harvest was turning them into edibles? I don't smoke and I'm not looking to start so I'm just curious if...
  2. Mong0

    First time Indoor Grow

    I moved the fan last night to blow directly on the plants and suddenly some little gnats started flying around. I looked up all the info as to why and apparently I'm over watering. So thanks for the tip, it helped me find something before it got worse!
  3. Mong0

    First time Indoor Grow

    I have a wyze camera I had lying around. I figured I wanted something I could use to monitor temperature and humidity so I just pointed it at the monitor I had above the light.
  4. Mong0

    First time Indoor Grow

    I have clip on fan, but it's not up that high... should i move it up higher to blow directly on the plants?
  5. Mong0

    First time Indoor Grow

    Here's a Pic from the remote monitoring cam I have set up
  6. Mong0

    First time Indoor Grow

    So a few months ago I decided to try some indoor growing. I did most of the setup on the fly with a buddy of mine without too much research, because why would I ? I purchased a VIVOSUN 600W LED Grow Light, and a 48"x 48"x 80 grow tent. We decided to set it up in a finished room in my attic that...
  7. Mong0

    Sacha Baron Cohen does it again :)

    How much of a donation to these idiots must he be giving them to not only get in a room with them, but get them to do this shit and agree to it being aired with no questions asked.
  8. Mong0

    Welcome New Members!

    Registered about a month ago, and now that I got going I figured I'd actually post. I'm planning on posting some pics, but I guess I need a post or 2 first. so here it goes! I'm probably one of those rare people that didn't get interested in this until after it became legal locally. My wife has...