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  1. T

    Male of Female?

    Yeah im gonna assume that this ones female.
  2. T

    Male of Female?

    Here are those others but better quality.
  3. T

    Male of Female?

    Here are the other pic tures of my other plant. Please tell me shes a girl. The last (or first, dont know what order they show up as) picture is the top of the plant.
  4. T

    Male of Female?

    I already pulled the male, snapped it in half after pulling it out from the roots, hopefully it doesnt interfere with the other one. Will take better pics later today and post them to see if you guys can identify if its a female or not. Looks like it to me, but can never be too sure.
  5. T

    Male of Female?

    Well it seems a lot more mature then the male, and the white hairs coming out are indeed white, and longer than the male, but im not expert...
  6. T

    Male of Female?

    What about this other one, female right? The only reason im asking if i can keep it, is if this other one turns out to be a male as well. I dont want to throw one away to keep one to stay female, for it to turn male too. They both got put outside at the same time, BUT the second one in these...
  7. T

    Male of Female?

    What if i decided to grow it indoors? Would it still affect the other? And whats the best way do o just pull it out the ground or burn it?
  8. T

    Male of Female?

    I realise how terrible some of the pictures are, thats my bad. But i have another female plant (shit, i hope) thats about 150ft away from it (also outside) but its showing no signs of any seed sacks or what not. Should i pitch the pictured plant, or am i safe to keep it and grow it without it...
  9. T

    Male of Female?

    Ive got this plant, and uo until now it seemed as if it was growing to be a female, but literally just this morning i looked at it and it has these sac looking things ONLY AT THE TOP but everywhere else, they look like hairs to me. I dont know if it could be some small leaves trying to pop out...
  10. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    Well im more than likely going to stick around, in case i come up with more problems. Ive been through a lot of forums, and theres a LOT of problems that ive seen others go through. And since everyone here seems to know what there doing (however cocky yall may be about it) its all been great...
  11. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    I didnt say anyone was wrong. Infact, i said everybodys advice was great. Like i had said before, im not going for a perfect grow. Jeez, out of everyone in this world, i wouldnt imagine a bunch of pot heads would be so judgemental. Lol, my god. (Also not downing anyone for smoking, i used to...
  12. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    Just so you guys know, im not going for a perfect grow, i dont even smoke, im just wanting it to NOT perish. Lol, its kind of just a hobby i picked up, im not expecting my first grow to make Tommy Chongs jaw drop, so... maybe if it was my 4th or 5th grow, it'd be a different story.
  13. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    Nah most the soil was fairly moist as it was soil that was used from previous plants i had outside, but i put a little water on her to top her off after transplant. She was underwatered somehow cuz after i put a tad bit over the top after she kept drooping severly worse and i watched it visibly...
  14. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    :) im a member for life now, all your guys responses has put my mind at ease, and over the last 15 minutes ive watched her slowly perkin back up. God bless you guys.
  15. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    I put the tiniest little tad bit of water into a little moat type pocket around the base of the stem where it goes into the soil. If i notice any sort of rise of the plant, you may be right. If not, then i may have to start over.
  16. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    Are you sure cuz the soil still seems pretty moist a good 3-4 inches down.. im going to put about half a cup down onto where the root would start.. wish me luck yo.
  17. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    Dang, i mean about half a liter.
  18. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    And maybe about one liter in a 3 gallon container after putting her in it.
  19. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    She hasnt been watered since 2:30 or 3pm yesterday
  20. T

    What do i do, shes dying.

    Is it supposed to get worse before it gets better.. because its definitely not looking so good :(