Dr Greenthumbs G13


Well-Known Member
"Now Available" G13 ♀ - (Feminized) - (G13F): $200 usd ($200 cad) per 2 pack.
Holy shit!

What do you do when you know you are selling bogus genetics? Sell them for $100 a seed so you can actually make some money before people find you out. They cost $100 a seed they MUST be real, what a douche.
"Now Available" G13 ♀ - (Feminized) - (G13F): $200 usd ($200 cad) per 2 pack.
Holy shit!

What do you do when you know you are selling bogus genetics? Sell them for $100 a seed so you can actually make some money before people find you out. They cost $100 a seed they MUST be real, what a douche.

Dr Greenthumb genetics are legit as they come. Try growing his gear before you bash it.
I dont think he is bashing his shit, he is bashing the fact that he is trying to pass of a "legendary" strain that is supposedly clone only...
especially when the legends behind the strain may not be true...

either way, for 100 bucks a seed it better be the best shit ever created....nothing could be good enough for me to dish out that much money though..
Wtf??? I have not checked dr greenthumb selling hes g13, but i do know that hes gears are way expensive than other top notch breeders. But $100 for one seed is insane...there has been a lot of arguement over the pass few days, to which other people are giving opinions that hes strains are expensive and to few that are supporting it...wonder what this supporters has to say about $100 a seed.

edited: now its confirmed, 2 seeds for $200...this is funny. shit! where are those dr greenthumbs supporter?!
especially when the legends behind the strain may not be true...

either way, for 100 bucks a seed it better be the best shit ever created....nothing could be good enough for me to dish out that much money though..

even if thats the best fuckin strain i dont think you can fool nature to give you the best shit ever and i have no comments about hes price. all i can do is laugh at it.
He's thinking there are plenty of gullible people out there willing to pay $100 a seed because they aren't informed. Just from the description anyone who has been around or done their homework knows it doesn't make sense. S1's at $100 a seed for a questionable strain to begin with, WTF?
maybe someone took too many bong hits and meant to write $20 for a 2 pack and it turned out to be $200 hahah doubt it though.
Dont sweat it folks. Give it a few months and there will be knockoffs of his knockoffs at bud trader @$100 for 10 fem seeds.
I have been doing alot of research on Drgreenthumb and can only find good reviews from the same handful of peeps or spammers and negative reviews from lots of different growers. The negative reviews are all about potency and lack of it, plants herming and ruining thier crops even though most admit the plants grew and yielded well. I myself will not pay $100 a seed to have it ruin the rest of my crop. Search for yourself and read the reviews before you decide. I'm off to check out Doggie Nutts Seeds and BC Seeds to see if its the same scammer.
maybe someone took too many bong hits and meant to write $20 for a 2 pack and it turned out to be $200 hahah doubt it though.
lol my first thought was someone fucked up too.

i guarantee people will buy those seeds. people think G13 was created by the government and it has a THC content of 30% so yeah...people who dont know any better will buy it for that reason. plus, there are people who won't care about the price... in all honesty, if i had $200 that i could afford to throw away, i would buy them....i would buy every one of his strains....but as a middle class man, i cant justify $100 a seed....thats a week of groceries for me..my limit is around $20 a seed.

good to see a dr greenthumb supporter saying he isnt with that too.
your paying for the bomb shit you can grow.youll probably get more than 100 dollars worth of the good stuff from each plant.plus if you turn one of um into a mother,you'll have a top notch strain you can grow over and over again for many years without having to buy more seeds.
I'd pay $100 per seed but only two seeds per pack is just unacceptable. You want at least a 10 pack to pick out the best of the best and two beans doesn't offer you that option. On top of that, they're feminized and experienced growers don't buy fems.
I have never gotten anything but stellar genetics from dr. greenthumb. everything was totally legit and to me this looks like the genuine article. I'm sure some of the oldtimers will chime in and exspecially so if it looks bogus but to me it looks like the read deal and croppers will buy this up like no tomorrow becasue they'll make a fortune off of it.


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lol I seen this the other day when I was window shopping at his site. Isn't the strain itself a myth? I'd love to know how he aquired these mythical genetics and is able to sell them at the low low price of $100 a bean. haha those fucking seeds better be some jack and the beanstalk type shit for that kinda coin.
Are you kidding!!!! I have been waiting all year for doc to release G13. $200 bucks in peanuts for this plant. I don't know whaty the hell you are on about