Is There An Afterlife?

theres deff. an after life simply because why would we even live in the first place , so we can eventualy just Completely die out?
i think theres a heaven and its amazing! Drugs sex and rock and roll galore. all the great things that every crazy religious person ever mentioned. because why not. if im right, then fuck yeah! if im dead anyway so who gives a fuck!
i dont know, i can be worm food
or i can simply pass to the next level of this big simulation
the whole universe is just what my human conscience perceives, i can give an explanation based on that, with my human intelligence, i havent proved anything so anyhing can be
There,s somewere believes that when you die you come back as a rat lol and that u must never harm one i seen in there church type thing and there was millions of rats and they feed them and have them run all over them

i believe in heaven and hell but !
when im stoned i think sometimes people come back as a animal that most reflect,s there personalty lol or vise virsa animal to person id somtimes look and try and guess what they would be lol
All there is about here tho is rats, monkeys, pigs, dog,s and bitches and the odd excotic bird here and there or some nice pedigree felines tho rare hard to find lol
Just as a plant dies, so do we. We live on, not in body or mind, but within the earth. Our deaths help to sustain this wonderful thing we call life.

That is it.
For there to be an afterlife there would need to be some sort of supernatural being to create it. So no, there is no afterlife.

Look at the size of this univirse its goes on and on to infinity galaxy and galaxy,s billions of star,s an planets to say nothing crated this is just plane ignorent !

i think you live and die but your soul lives on and your genes live on though your kids
people thats lost close ones can feel them with them even know they are dead but they can still feel there spirit close to them strange but true!......... like when u can feel some one close in trouble

there gotta be something else!:hump: ...........but just incase live 100% no regrets :joint: :joint: :joint:
if there is an afterlife, it is bound to be different then any of us have described or imagined so far.

but i don't think there is one. everyone is just dreaming or hoping.
Look at the size of this univirse its goes on and on to infinity galaxy and galaxy,s billions of star,s an planets to say nothing crated this is just plane ignorent !
The people who would know the most about the universe generally don't believe in a creator. I don't think they are ignorant. There is no evidence to suggest that there is a creator.

there gotta be something else!:hump: ...........but just incase live 100% no regrets :joint: :joint: :joint:
God of the gaps argument.
its what you believe in i suppose i am happy to believe and dont want to believe any diffrent that when you die your spirit and soul lives on and i believe in ghosts and that every one has an angel

If you were to look into the sky at night and imagin all them stars and galaxys have millions more planets that we wont ever know about and no one ever will i would say that would be a bit supernatural when you think about it even when you think of life and how humans ,animals, every living thing lives would be a bit supernatural when you think about it .

Again samurai your just plane ignorent..
No 1 will ever know till we are dead but to think theres nothing else to this is just stupid i think...
"The people who would know the most about the universe generally don't believe in a creator. I don't think they are ignorant. There is no evidence to suggest that there is a creator."

Theres no evidence to suggest there isnt a creator. so there goes that argument.