
Do you think a persons right to choose should be taken away?

I believe they had the choice to either get surgery to not have a kid, use condoms, or birth control, or just not have sex at all. But they decided to ignore the consequences and got stuck with a baby, and now people want to abort it?
The way you word it makes me seem like I'm thinking unlogically, but these people had plenty of choices and they already chose, so now it's time to stick by their decision.
Pregnancy should never be punishment. The med tech for safe abortion exists, so that djinn cannot be bottled. "Time to stick by their decision" is an imposition of a moral stance. Let's be pluralists. cn
I believe they had the choice to either get surgery to not have a kid, use condoms, or birth control, or just not have sex at all. But they decided to ignore the consequences and got stuck with a baby, and now people want to abort it?
The way you word it makes me seem like I'm thinking unlogically, but these people had plenty of choices and they already chose, so now it's time to stick by their decision.
Rape victims? Have you any idea the number of girls that are sexually assaulted everyday, most are too ashamed to ever tell anyone.
Rape victims? Have you any idea the number of girls that are sexually assaulted everyday, most are too ashamed to ever tell anyone.
alright thanks for opening my eyes to that scenario, rape victims do have the right to abort, IMO. other than those poor women I dont see any good moral value in abortion.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Why did you have to stir the pot further Heph?! This section doesn't need ANOTHER abortion thread, and you need to leave this discussion in the thread you're continuing it from.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Why did you have to stir the pot further Heph?! This section doesn't need ANOTHER abortion thread, and you need to leave this discussion in the thread you're continuing it from.

No dude, I accidentally thread jacked that thread, so I said if anyone cares to discuss abortion come over here.
For what reasons?

like i said before, there are no longer enough resources to provide for everyone.. and it can only get worse.

that's pretty much it, what good will bringing more people into the world do? keep up the fucking and popping out kids, this is their future:


I don't think abortion should be used as a contraceptive - but shit happens, and if 2 people aren't ready for a kid what good is it going to do to force them to do a shitty job raising a child? A child deserves to have loving parents.... not parents that were guilt-tripped into keeping a kid when they're so obviously not responsible enough/not ready/too young/were a victim of a crime/etc etc etc....

Everyone who says abortion is wrong should be forced to adopt 6 children that would have been aborted.... lol

If anti-abortionist's are really looking for moral high ground their time would be better spent taking care of orphans instead of picketing/bombing/vandalizing abortion clinics. If an appeal to morality is really their stance, then show some fucking moral fiber and do something that actually makes a difference instead of appeasing petty religious views.

This is never going to get anywhere.... the distinction between what is "life" is the deciding factor.

I see absolutely zero moral problems with a woman having an abortion because I don't consider a fetus a person.

If you view a fetus as a person, consequently you'll more than likely see abortion as morally objectionable.

Not sure how we resolve the differences between what religious people deem as "life" and what secular people view as "life". (I realize I'm using generalizations in the last sentence, but it mostly articulates my point)
im pro choice, but only in certain situations like rape victims, ect

I agree, women should not be able to use this as a method of birthcontrol, i know a few women whom have had 4plus each, so horrible!!!
Only women at risk of loosing their own life or victims of sexual assault should have this as an option.
Adoption is a wonderful thing, even better thing is being responsible and practicing safe sex, unplanned children and std's just kinda ruin it ;)
I'm only a cyber whore, I find most real people are fucking dirty lmfao I have high hygiene standards, most don't compare lol