10 clones taken 9 survived one growqing very slowly?


hey guys i took 10 clone from an unknown strain and 9 survived after rooting vigourously in 10-14days. they were moved from 1 inch rw to 4 inch rw and last week were put in soil/perlite 11ltr pots

they are under a 600watt hps on a 18/6 cycle

light on temps are 75-78 light off 62-66
humidity is a bit low but getin that sorted as we speak its lights on 30% lights off 40%

all of the clone have been topped once apart from the little runt.

feeding them 3ml-ltr of ionic grow the water ph was 6.2 after adding nutes.

what could be causing this one to be so slow at growing roots were all the same during each transplant

any ideas? heres the pics
