100 Degree weather


Active Member
Today in SoCal it was almost 90 degrees. What can I do so that my plants dont die when temperatures reach 100 degrees or even 105(which is common in the summer)? They get a lot of direct sunlight. Maybe 8 hours of direct sunlight. Thanks.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
Some strains derived naturally from plances such as mexico, afghanistan, pakistan, africa, and india. Your plants will have to deal with it. Nature will do what it does best. Just keep them hydrated, not over watered, and they will survive.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
I rock mine in full sun all day and It was 95 where I live and I am not worried at all. Lets put it that way


Active Member
I dont use lights though. Its completely an outdoor grow.

Edit: ^^ Sneaky you editted your post after I replied lol.


Well-Known Member
Today in SoCal it was almost 90 degrees. What can I do so that my plants dont die when temperatures reach 100 degrees or even 105(which is common in the summer)? They get a lot of direct sunlight. Maybe 8 hours of direct sunlight. Thanks.
All depends....
Are your plants in pots, (if so what size?) or in the ground?
If in pots you will have issues (smaller the pots, more the issues) with the pots heating up and causing the roots to over-heat this will cause stunted growth.
If in the ground just add water and they'll be fine.
If in pots I would insulate the outside of the pots with that "bubble wrap/Mylar" looking stuff they use in the automotive industry. The Mylar will reflect the suns rays, and the bubble wrap will insulate from the heat. If you can't find that stuff, maybe Mylar, bubble wrap and tape? In worst case paint the pot white, or wrap in a white sheet. Just don't grow in BLACK pots with no protection.
Good Luck-


Well-Known Member
I came into this thread to say basically what Treeman has just said, so I'll just second his post.


Active Member
All depends....
Are your plants in pots, (if so what size?) or in the ground?
If in pots you will have issues (smaller the pots, more the issues) with the pots heating up and causing the roots to over-heat this will cause stunted growth.
If in the ground just add water and they'll be fine.
If in pots I would insulate the outside of the pots with that "bubble wrap/Mylar" looking stuff they use in the automotive industry. The Mylar will reflect the suns rays, and the bubble wrap will insulate from the heat. If you can't find that stuff, maybe Mylar, bubble wrap and tape? In worst case paint the pot white, or wrap in a white sheet. Just don't grow in BLACK pots with no protection.
Good Luck-
Right now my plants are in 16 oz red party cups. They are 14 days old now and I will be transplanting into their final 3 gallon pots soon. Also would keeping them in the shade when the temperatures reach 100 degrees be better for it? Even if its the whole day.


Well-Known Member
3 gallons is small, I would go bigger pots.....10 gallons would be much better. If growing in pots, dig a hole in the ground for your pots to fit in, use the ground as your insulation, and this keeps the plant height down too!


Active Member
My girls are in a homemade tent, garage with no AC. Hope they can survive with a little extra watering. its like an oven out there. 108 repeatedly in California


Well-Known Member
Today in SoCal it was almost 90 degrees. What can I do so that my plants dont die when temperatures reach 100 degrees or even 105(which is common in the summer)? They get a lot of direct sunlight. Maybe 8 hours of direct sunlight. Thanks.
I live in the Central Valley temps here hundred plus most of the summer no plant problems.
Today in SoCal it was almost 90 degrees. What can I do so that my plants dont die when temperatures reach 100 degrees or even 105(which is common in the summer)? They get a lot of direct sunlight. Maybe 8 hours of direct sunlight. Thanks.
I live in the Central Valley average temp July thru Sept 90 plus. Noon time temps 105 plus. Water as needed same as any where else.



Well-Known Member
All depends....
Are your plants in pots, (if so what size?) or in the ground?
If in pots you will have issues (smaller the pots, more the issues) with the pots heating up and causing the roots to over-heat this will cause stunted growth.
If in the ground just add water and they'll be fine.
If in pots I would insulate the outside of the pots with that "bubble wrap/Mylar" looking stuff they use in the automotive industry. The Mylar will reflect the suns rays, and the bubble wrap will insulate from the heat. If you can't find that stuff, maybe Mylar, bubble wrap and tape? In worst case paint the pot white, or wrap in a white sheet. Just don't grow in BLACK pots with no protection.
Good Luck-
What about 100 gallon smart pots that are black
If you are really concerned about the high temps and direct sun, make a shade cloth, use a thin white sheet to make a tent over it and you can also use some mulch to retain some soil moisture in temps that high.