18,000 Cows die at Dairy “Farm” fire!

Makes some “Dairy Farmers” look like run-of-the-mill filthy capitalist oinkers or pigs.
Abusing cattle for your yogurt.

Why so little reporting?
People don't consider an unintentional BBQ to be big news, even if they ought to....
shit happens all the time, this one was just bigger than most.
I guess against the backdrop of the republican soap opera, the air national guard idiot, several shootings, international tensions...the cows just couldn't compete
scroll down that list, and be glad you ain't a chicken...
My nephew has purchased an automated system for the 1500 broilers that he plans to raise this summer on pastured land. There are plenty of rules/protocols to follow for avian flu/disease mitigation. The chicks (variety unknown) will arrive a fortnight apart and reach maturity at 56 days - a week longer than KFC.

The system will be solar powered, with plenty of food/water on board. Louvers control the temperature and an electric fence helps to keep predators out.

Chicken and Turkey Houses are everywhere here. Poultry litter is spread on open fields, draining through karst landscape. A lot more algae than even 20 years ago in creeks and rivers.

Why so little reporting?

I was actually going to post about this. It was all over the news in NL cause the farmer is a Frisian (province in NL with its own people+language). The primary and often sole reason Frisian and other Dutch farmers move to the US (or Canada) is because of the limitations on farmers imposed here. Our largest cow farmer has only 2250 cows, average below 100. Despite those limitations we still have an overpopulation of cows so the running joke now is the question if you can send back that farmer and help us solve the nitrogen problem.

Basically no space left to expand. US has 1 cow per 10 people, NL has 1 cow per 4 people, but some areas far more. Most cow farmers in the annotated area, i.e. Frisia.
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I grew up in a town surrounded by hundreds of dairy farms 40 to 120 head. These farmers loved their animals and the land. Wisconsin is losing several hundred family farms a year. Money is not good and the life of dairy is grueling.
I grew up in a town surrounded by hundreds of dairy farms 40 to 120 head. These farmers loved their animals and the land. Wisconsin is losing several hundred family farms a year. Money is not good and the life of dairy is grueling.
When i was going to high school in Mn. My best friend's family had a small dairy farm just on the edge of town. i would get up at 4:30 3 days a week and go help them milk and feed 40 to 60 cows. I got 100 bucks a week for doing that, in 1980-82...Pretty good money for 3 hours of work a day, 3 days a week back then.
I haven't talked to them in years, but the last time i did, they weren't about to fail, but they were just making due, and having to put off a few improvements they wanted to do. They told me they couldn't afford to hire any help like i use to do, they have to get up and take care of everything themselves, 2 adults and a teenager doing the same work 2 adults and 4 teenagers used to do, and not making as much money for doing it....
When i was going to high school in Mn. My best friend's family had a small dairy farm just on the edge of town. i would get up at 4:30 3 days a week and go help them milk and feed 40 to 60 cows. I got 100 bucks a week for doing that, in 1980-82...Pretty good money for 3 hours of work a day, 3 days a week back then.
I haven't talked to them in years, but the last time i did, they weren't about to fail, but they were just making due, and having to put off a few improvements they wanted to do. They told me they couldn't afford to hire any help like i use to do, they have to get up and take care of everything themselves, 2 adults and a teenager doing the same work 2 adults and 4 teenagers used to do, and not making as much money for doing it....
Someone is making fucking money, have a look at milk and dairy prices! Anti-Trust laws actually enforced, don't break them up into dozens of national competitors, break them into hundreds. Farmers and consumers are getting fucked and those in between the two are making the money, competition and regulation is the answer. Encourage farmers markets where they can sell directly to the consumer and food banks with a minimum of roadblocks and even government grants to setup markets and facilities, fuck them. You need political power to do anything and must get republicans out of power to do anything at all. When they call you socialist, you call them fascist assholes and suckers.
Someone is making fucking money, have a look at milk and dairy prices! Anti-Trust laws actually enforced, don't break them up into dozens of national competitors, break them into hundreds. Farmers and consumers are getting fucked and those in between the two are making the money, competition and regulation is the answer. Encourage farmers markets where they can sell directly to the consumer and food banks with a minimum of roadblocks and even government grants to setup markets and facilities, fuck them. You need political power to do anything and must get republicans out of power to do anything at all. When they call you socialist, you call them fascist assholes and suckers.
resistance is futile

Someone is making fucking money, have a look at milk and dairy prices! Anti-Trust laws actually enforced, don't break them up into dozens of national competitors, break them into hundreds. Farmers and consumers are getting fucked and those in between the two are making the money, competition and regulation is the answer. Encourage farmers markets where they can sell directly to the consumer and food banks with a minimum of roadblocks and even government grants to setup markets and facilities, fuck them. You need political power to do anything and must get republicans out of power to do anything at all. When they call you socialist, you call them fascist assholes and suckers.
not a bad suggestion, but for dairy you kind of need a collective, you have to pasteurize milk before it can be sold in most states, and you can't transport unpasteurized milk across state lines, per the federal government...
The machinery isn't insanely expensive, $4K for a 40 gallon pasteurizer with the cooling machinery, but then you have to sterilize bottles or some kind of containers, seal them, store them in some refrigerated space. It's a big job, that requires a committed space, it's not just something you can throw in the back of the truck and take it down to the flea market, unfortunately.
We drank raw milk all the time i was in high school, and never got sick as far as i know, but public safety is public safety...