184 watt CFL stealth "T.V." Cabnet Grow


Active Member
I'll be starting, hopefully very soon, my first grow. :leaf:

This will be the journal so long as the traffic to/ comments on continue throughout. I love advice, praise, criticism, and anything you feel is worth mentioning. :clap:

There'll be NO hateful remarks, racism, slander, or negativity. Along with no endless bashing of techniques, ideals, or anything else. This is a MARIJUANA forum... peace and love, bro! :weed:

8 - 23 Watt CFL lights (6 - 2700k: 2 - 6500k Daylight)
Miracle Grow Organic potting soil.
Miracle Grow Bloom Booster.
Super Thrive (a plant fertilizer additive??)

Grow space: 27'' x 27'' x 14'' (will need to double check this for accuracy)

Now, further information... The light fixture I've configured is rather peculiar, but I see a way I could efficiently use it's structure to my advantage. It's practically a T shape, two lights horizontally on top, one sticking down vertically. But there are 2 of these back to back, making up the 6 over head lights. The other 2 lights are on porcelain lamp holders placed on the floor of the box, to provide light from underneath as well.

The whole grow box will be lined with Mylar. I have one exhaust fan, and then another fan inside the box to circulate air. Currently I don't have an intake fan, but if that becomes a situation then it'll be corrected when the problem presents itself.

I've opted not to purchase nutrients for vegetative growth; reason being, i'll only be in vegetative growth for hopefully around a month. Miracle Grow has a bad rep with nute burn, so i think that it should be able to adequately provide for the plants up until a month or so later when i begin flowering. This'll be treated just like the intake fan... if i NEED it i'll get it.

I am using all Miracle Grow not because it's cheap or I prefer it, but because it's all convineintly located at my local Wal-Mart. So if you're here to bash Miracle Grow, you should instead focus your time on helping make this a success instead of telling the world why you hate it so much :finger:

The only thing I have yet to decide is the number of plants. Since it's the first grow, SOG or SCROG isn't an option. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. But that light fixture offers very intriguing possibilities. Should I grow one plant, and top/lst it to where I have 2+ cola's, and I could grow them around the light fixture, or should i just grow two plants on each side of it? What would be better for yeild.

P.S. I'm modeling this after SICC's Party cup grows, which is where I got the inspiration to do this. I'm using these nifty little containers I found at Wal-Mart as well. They're not very big, probably around the size of a party cup, but they have a cool lip on the bottom that let's you water directly to the bottom section/ roots. I'm interested to see how effeciently they work.

As soon as I'm finished constructing this debacle, I'll post pictures of it. And I'm a very enthuisiastic first time marijuana grower; If you guys stay interested, I'll be sure to provide lots of pictures. Tomorrow I'm working on it for sure, so I hope to have it finished and ready to go... or should I say Grow... this weekend.
