1st gro room comment please


Well-Known Member
1 400 watt mh that i will be vegging and flowering as you can see. growing alaskan ice, g13 haze , and durban poison. will be using aluminum foil for reflection of light since the flat paint didnt do so well. mylar is hard to come by. can i put the newly sprouted seeds under the 400 mh?



Well-Known Member
I see several things wrong with this. First off, you'll need some airflow to cool a 400 watt anything in a space that small. Passive intake with a filtered exhaust to deal with the smell (which will be an issue) is the way to go.

Second, you really should have tried more than 1 coat of paint, maybe even a primer coat before painting. Aluminum foil causes hot spots which will burn your plants.

Third, you're going to have a rough time managing the different nutrient needs of running multiple strains in a setup that small. If this is a first grow, you should start with one strain until you cut your teeth on growing, and go from there.

Additionally, you will need airflow inside the cab just to keep things from getting stale, and to add strength to the stems as constant movement can provide.



Well-Known Member
i second what was said above...heat will be the main killer of your plants in a space like that.get a good fan pulling air from the light right by the light pulling the air through a carbon filter. yes you can use the mh for seedling just keep the light away from em a little more so the light dont scorch em ya know..and most importantly loose the foil.taht is absolutly the worst reflective material. it causes hot spots for the plants as mentioned...but dont get down on yourself an thats a good setup with just some common mistakes all people make....you cna really grow in that....what is the height of your spot from teh bottom of the light to the top of the pot? height might become an issue in the future,,,,maybe

oh and i want you to start a grow journal with the alaskan ice im very curious as how that plant turns out i plan on doing my grow with that in the future and no tot many people have grown it it seems.


Well-Known Member
oh and if the paint didnt stick jsut sandpaper the wood first to give it something to grab onto.that wood looks like its a little slick ya know.you need it to be a little pourous for the paint to stick....that was probablly why it didnt work...sanding is a bitch but necesarry!


Well-Known Member
Well the height of the dresser is about 5 1/2 feet from top to bottom and about 4 1/2 if you minus the height of the 400 watt light. As far as the circulation goes, There is a crack in the doors that you can see in the picture with them closed. i will put a fan in front of it and let it blow. In the day i will open the doors up so that they can get air to strengthen the stem also. I have tested out my 400 watt mh and it isnt really that hot. i left it on for about 4 hours or so. i placed my hand under the light and could just feel the warmth of it. it didnt seem hot enough to burn my hand.
ALSO i am located in the northern states and growing in my basement, Where the air is about 7 to 10 degrees cooler than that of the already cold arctic air that we are experiencing, so i shouldnt have to worry about an outtake. I'd say the temp in the basement is about 50 to 60 degrees which should be cool enough to cool the temps down in the grow room. i looked up AL reflectivity on the web and it said that it was 85% reflective


Well-Known Member
as far as the nutrients, i'll be using miracle grow. im not trying to have an advance set up but just something that will give me about an ounce for each plant.


Well-Known Member
You should cut a hole in the top or side of the cab and hook an air duct up to it that sucks out the hot air by the light...Then have another hole at the bottom of the cab pushing fresh air in..as for the crack in between the doors just staple some white cardboard on the other side to cover the crack.

You have a great cab there..Reminds me of my old wardrobe locker in the military. Also you should see if you can also buy a HPS bulb so you can flower with optimum results.

Like the other guy said..You should start a journal if its your first grow..


Well-Known Member
well im living with a family member and the closet is there just to reinforce stealth. no one is at home in the day time so i figured i'd use that time to open the doors to give them the air that they need. Right now i cant afford a hps conversion bulb so i'll be using the equipment that i have. It isnt much of a significance in lumens tho only about 30 or so lumens. I read that mh was 90 sumthin and hps was 107 lumens per watt. I'll also have 3 100 watt cfls hanging up also with 2 40 watt floros in addition to this which should make up for the missing lumens


Well-Known Member
yeah smell will need to be taken care of for stealth....but you can make a DIY carbon filter and fun it out the back of the cabinent with some ducting with a small fan.it should all be pretty cheap ya know. as for the reflectivity of the foil.yeah is pretty reflective but thats assuming there is no crinkles or bends or anything of that in it.folds and such are what create the hot spots.
as for using miracle grow it can be done but you will need to use i believe its like a 1/8th of the rec. dose or some shit like that.miracle grow is some powerful shit and alot of people say it causes nute burn easily.....so just be careful and youll be alright.
other than that youll be fine if you open the doors and shit and with the basement temps shouldnt be to much of a problem jsut get the filter adn get air circulating int he chamber either with the fan in the door or what but either way ya know man. good luck bro.