1st soil grow, 2 wks in - slow growth/nute burn? (PICS)


Active Member
How are these looking @ 2 weeks in soil under a 600w MH?

I recently transplanted them and the bigger one's leaves seem to be starting to point up and lose color?

One's leaves is turning yellow from the bottom up.

The small one seems to be doing OK, but this is two weeks in! The leaves were turning yellow so I gave it some nutes, yellowing stopped/slowed down and it's growing again, but VERY slow.

Bag seed..

also, I have a DWC bubbling my tomatos. What's the chance these babies will survive a transplant into the DWC at this stage? They're the only plants I have so I don't want to take big risks.

This is how they looked ~two weeks ago: https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/46356-reasons-slow-growth-pics-do.html

I don't pH the water but read the gov water statistics for my city and it's in the range of 6.5 - 6.8. I remove the chlorine and then add a few drops of lemon.. as for nutes, I have 10-15-10 liquid plant food



Well-Known Member
the first thing i would do mate is go out and buy some decent soil, adn transplant them.

cannabis plants so not need feeding for at least the first 4 weeks of veg, and when you do start using nutes it is important that you bear in mind that it also burns very easily. therefore it is best to add nutes at 1/4 strength to begin with and gradually build up.

you will also see alot of pleople sayin they have flushed - this is almost always due to over feeding (unless they are flushing at the end of grow to enhance taste). however, flushing does just as much harm as good - and should only be used as a last resort. this is duo to the fact that the plant is put under severe stress, usually resulting in a hermie, and the much needed nutes in the soil are also flushed out, leaving little for the plant to live off.

if the yellowing is starting at the bottom and working up it is sue to nute burn most of the time.

however worth you getting a soil test kit and checking ph of soil.

not too late to transfer to DWC, as long as you are careful. you will have to lift the plant and wash away as much of the soil from the roots as poss without causing damage. Does not matter if a bit left on, it will sort itself out. then place in net pot and support with medium e.g. clay pebbles.

the roots will probably not go through the holes in the net pot unless you want to stand there for and hour and feed them through.lol. so not worry - they will soon grow through.

sis the same thing to one of my plants at begining of current grow as was bought an oxy pot. transplanted just before i put on to flowering and a week or two later the roots werre right to the bottom of container.

hope this helps



Active Member
Yeah my hydro tomatoes are growing REALLY fast. Took a while for the roots to hit the water, but after that, they really took off. I'm seeing about an 1/2 - 1 inch of root growth daily.

If I transfer from soil to hydro at this point (the smallest plant, see the pics), how much nutes should I add to the water? 1/8th strength? 1/4th?

I can't measure EC/PPM at this point, so I'm shooting in the dark here.
