1st time SE Texas outdoor grow @ 5 months, are these ready to harvest and dry?


This is my first grow, outdoor on my patio / yard. I had plant 1 originally in a 2 gallon container I bought some star jasmine in. The other one i had in a 5 gallon since "birth" with some others. I started with 8, killed off 6 male and 2 diseased-looking females. (I was just seeing if I could grow and didn't want to take on more than one or two plants.)
Anyhoo, planted April 21st, so right around the 5 month mark. I think plant 1 (the one with the "crystals") may be ready to harvest (right at about 12" and puny, the photos are deceiving). In flowering state for about 5-6 weeks now, days getting a bit shorter.

I think plant 2 (about 20" tall and skimpy because I over-trimmed the fan leaves OOPS!) may be in flowering state for about 4 weeks now.

Both are now in the same 5 gallon container, I don't really know if that is okay or not, but have been in the same container for about 2 months.

The temps, are around 93+ degrees during the day, and about 85+ at night.about a 14/10 cycle with natural day light, days getting somewhat darker. A lot of weird weather this summer in Texas - floods of rain (kept them under the patio or inside), psuedo-tropical force winds during some storms, days of hot humidity, days of dry & hot breezes. I am thinking that these plants have taken more time than typical grows because of the extreme heat and general outdoor cycle.

I would appreciate any feedback or what they think about "harvest time" b/c I know to watch for about 50-60% white hairs to turn amber/yellow/etc. The ones that have turned look crispy to me,though. I don't know the strain, but it's just some seed I got from some local shwag, nothing fancy. Thanks in advance!!

First two photos - plant 1; last three - plant 2.



Well-Known Member
dude, those just started getting crystals. you have a whole month more to go. at least. I can't believe you would even think of cutting that plant.

You want almost all the hairs to be orange. its the crystals you want to be 70-80 percent amber. and you need a scope to check those out. the hairs dont matter. some plants will be all orange hairs at harvest some will still have some white ones. those plants look like they haven't even been flowering a month though! wouldnt you be bummed if you bought weed that was that airy and premature? let it dense up homie! you will be glad you did!

btw. now is a great time to start watering with mollasses to add weight and crystals! 1tblspn per gallon every other watering for the rest of the cycle!

also, they should be in seperate pots and they def arent taking a long time if thats what you think, harvest time is generally in the middle of october! also, you shouldnt be trimming any of the fan leaves for any reason until the last few days to start the trimming process! and even then its better to wait till you harvest. those leaves are how the plant grows an produces bud!!


Well-Known Member
for example, these still have almost a whole month to go. and they are much further a long than yours!



I know I know, I was just seeing if any of they would make it. Should I still be adding nutrients? I used miracle grow, and some high quality soil, but I bought something called Earth fuel or something, one for flowering one for roots. Thanks for you help I really appreciate it!!


Well-Known Member
I would stop using the miracle grow cause you dont want any chemicals in your bud and you wanna give them time to flush out. keep using the earth juice and def try to get some mollasses. other than that you should be good to go! less is more with nutrients when you get towards the end, you want the bud flavor to come out strong!


Well-Known Member
Yea keep giving it nutes, probably only those flower nutes you bought though. Mollasses is cheap and gives your plant the essential carbohydratres needed to break down the remaining nutrients in the soil. much luck



Here are some updated pics I took 6 weeks after my first post... i don't really think they look much different, little bigger and leaves have grown from my "overclipping incident"... it seems my point and shoot camera takes better macro pics than a dslr, should i post close up pics? I didn't see anything resembling amber through a 30x magnifying glass, unless i'm blind.

The weather has been about 80-90 degrees F for the last 6 weeks. Just watered every / other day and used earth juice about twice.

What do y'all think? Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
The long pistils will beging to seem shorter, actually receeding back into the calyx, when they are near finishing. Pic 1 looks like most of the trichs are still clear/milky. If u can wait a few more weeks do it.