2-3 weeks left of flowering. Predict my yield total?


Active Member
I am growing for the first time with 2x Barney Farm LSD, 1x Dinafem Blue Hash, 1x Dinafem Blue Hash, and 1x Kannabia Afrodite. All of the plants have been topped above the 2nd node and are in FFoF soil under a 400w hps in a 4x4 Mylar enclosed room. I use Fox Farm Soil Nutes as well. I am on day 39 of flowering(2-3 weeks left of flowering) and will post some pics I took today (sorry but there in the HPS light). Anyways, I have no idea what kind of yield to expect so if anyone wants to throw some predictions or estimates on here it would be greatly appreciated

Flowering day 39 (4).jpgFlowering day 39 (2).jpgFlowering day 39 (1).jpgFlowering day 39 (3).jpgFlowering day 39 (10).jpgFlowering day 39 (5).jpgFlowering day 39 (6).jpgFlowering day 39 (8).jpgFlowering day 39 (9).jpgFlowering day 39 (7).jpg


Well-Known Member
50LB MIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol j.k thats really hard to predict and i think unnecessary....its kinda like trying to calculate what you will make at work next month dont know about you but im always off then i get sad lol but other than that id nice grow and keep it up


Active Member
50LB MIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol j.k thats really hard to predict and i think unnecessary....its kinda like trying to calculate what you will make at work next month dont know about you but im always off then i get sad lol but other than that id nice grow and keep it up
Thanks, I know it is a little unneccissary but the wait is killing me lol. Any sort of estimate from an experienced grower like yourself would ease my mind a little lol


Well-Known Member
im not experienced bro but thx...... i just write a whole bunch of one liner comments on everyone posts j.k hopefully there 4 ounce plants

Bill Wilson

Active Member
I wonder what ripe is to you cause those stretchy white pistils I would say at least a month, but I like mine swollen.


Well-Known Member
THats just about what I'm hoping for. Thanks for your input
that seems about right given the plant size, number, light size, and grow space. your plants seem healthy and they appear to have been vegged for about 3-4 weeks am i right? the only other factor would be strain. i have not grown any of those stains but since you have a variety, some may yield high and some low giving you a moderate average. be patient and let them finish all the way.


Active Member
that seems about right given the plant size, number, light size, and grow space. your plants seem healthy and they appear to have been vegged for about 3-4 weeks am i right? the only other factor would be strain. i have not grown any of those stains but since you have a variety, some may yield high and some low giving you a moderate average. be patient and let them finish all the way.
vegged 2 for 5 weeks, and the other 3 for 4 weeks. The 2 LSDs are listed as 600 g/m2 but one of them is way smaller than the other. The Afrodite is listed 400g/m2. Unfortunately Im not able to find any numbers for the other 2 strains


Well-Known Member
While strain and nutrients and such all play a large part in total yield in the end a huge determining factor is available light. I would guess that you are looking at about 0.5-0.7g/w so somewhere in the 200-300g range.
I'd say around 4 ozs. How long did you veg for? It looks like a really good grow btw. You don't see many people fill out their tents like that, especially with a 400w.

EDIT: Sorry, just saw your veg times. I'd say a QP fully dried, it looks like it will be prime smoke too.


Active Member
I'd say around 4 ozs. How long did you veg for? It looks like a really good grow btw. You don't see many people fill out their tents like that, especially with a 400w.

EDIT: Sorry, just saw your veg times. I'd say a QP fully dried, it looks like it will be prime smoke too.
Im pretty sure I got a little more than 4 ozs to be honest. Guess only time will tell though lol