2 inch tick stem, want to make my plant shorter. can i cut and tape back together?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, i have had previous experience with breaking a plNT IN HALF AND TAPING IT BACKTOGETHER and the plant eemed to do just fine. the only difference is the size of the stem.

i hae a plant now thats around 6ft tall and i have a 5ft tent, there is about 2 ft of bare stem from the pot to the first branch. I wa contemplating cutting as much of the stem out as i can and just taping it back together. the plant is about 3 weeks into flower right now maybe 4. I know this is going to stress the fuck out of it but what im wondering is will it make a comeback?

a little story....about a week ago i looked out to my outoor crop and someone decided they wanted some free bud, left me wth this one plant. instead of leaving it outside to mature more and get jacked as well i took it to my indoor location and put it in my tent. my tent is nto bignough so i had to lay it down on its side to fit it in but it dosent seem to e taking well to this method and would like to get her back on her feet.

anyways i know theres probably not alot of you out tere that have ever done this so im execting alot of "opinions" which is great butm im really looking for someone who may have broken a plant at the stem about the same size as mine and either had - or + results. i can personally sayi dont thinkits a great idea but im sorta running out of options.

thanks for looking


Well-Known Member
gotta give you an A for imagination, such a thing never occurred to me
my own opinion is this would be a sure kill on your plant
i'm amazed that you were able to do this on another plant, i'd guess it was much less mature than this one
effectively, this would be a graft on a mature cannabis plant, which shouldn't work
i have no experience with grafting, just read about it, so take my opinion with a bit of salt


Well-Known Member
thats a crazy idea though it could work i would put a little rooting hormone in beteen the stumps and increase the daylight hours to 14 till its healed then reduce to 12/12 again.


Well-Known Member
Root some clones before you cut anything... 3 weeks into flower you shouldn't have any problems with the clones. Then try your experiment. I don't think it will work but I am interested to see if it does so keep us posted. Good luck :-D



Grafting is possible with any plant species to my knowledge, I know people who have even cut off a limb and stuck it straight into the dirt and it grew! But that's a different story... What you wanna do is cut an angle diagonally both spots where you want to shorten your plant and then cut another notch right next to each angle. After that you just attach it with some grafting tape, a rubber strip, or wrapped up kinda like a splint with cloth and tape or twine... Here's a pic i found, this should give you the best chance in a successful graft. (btw for all you lovers of lingo, it's called the whip-and-tongue technique, look it up!!)

This is kind of an intermediate technique but will give you the best results. If you're afraid of fucking up leave some fuck-up space so you could cut lower and try again if necessary. Or, you can not cut the second notch at all and just leave a diagonal cut and wrap em. Hope this helps.


Edit: to help heal you can get some grafting wax http://www.agriculturesolutions.com/Grafting-Supplies/Walter-E.-Clark-Son-Grafting-Wax-1/2-lb.html or there's other stuff too just do a bit of research, google is my bffaeaeaeae!!


Well-Known Member
from what i've read about grafting cannabis, it's doable but not an especially easy plant to graft
and from what i recall, it does not graft well past a certain stage of maturity
that was some university type labs with presumably good techniques
at least for the stem, obviously tips can be cloned(usually), and that may imply being graft-able
however, if there are any links to grafting more mature cannabis, that would be interesting


This is true any plant that's in its flowering cycle or later stages in life will be harder for it to graft since its not focusing on growing anymore, it's just trying to produce fruit.