2 Newbie Questions


Flowering Day 30 //Day 75
1. is that really yellow discoloration something i should be worried about??
2. the skunk (most dead looking) plant isn't really maturing each day...should i pull it and start the harvest on that plant (cutting my losses) and allowing the better plant to have more light??



Active Member
looks like a severe Nitrogen dificiancy, yeah you need to worry, your plants are dying prematurely. dont know about hydro systems, but you def need some N!


Well-Known Member
And some Mg! Dont over do it. The dead parts f the plant will remain, shitty lookin. The new growth will look aight tho...


Well-Known Member
your plant lacks energy so it uses its storage - the fan leaves.
add some N to help it.

Don't harvest pre-maturely.


Well-Known Member
hould i pull it and start the harvest on that plant (cutting my losses) and allowing the better plant to have more light??

Harvest what? There is nothing there to harvest...


Well-Known Member
Yup, get some Cal/Mag plus, and a good 20-20-20 nute(Jacks Classic $6) hit her with 1 tsp cal,1/2 teaspoon 20-20-20 per gal. Good luck, u need it:)


Well-Known Member
Remember, the bad leaves wont heal. Just the new growth, will look better. Dont over do it:)