2 questions. Moving and bug ID?


Active Member
I am located in Central part of Michigan.
First time ever growing. I was told my plants were ready to flip to flower in 1 week. But I will be moving in 3 weeks. Wouldn’t it make more sense for me to leave in veg those extra 2 weeks and flip after move?

also I noticed a weird beetle on plants other day and killed it. And today noticed another. Have any of you ever seen these and know what they are and how to treat?(white stuff in photo is from a Neem oil spray)



Well-Known Member
I would wait, if you flip the lights then move there's a higher chance of stressing the plants, not to mention if something happens and they get external light out of schedule during the move they can revert to veg and undo all your hard work. Trust me, you don't want that, it can take weeks for them to stop growing them damn single leaves, and usually they don't flower as well after that.

And for the bug
Screenshot_20201206-221210_Picture Insect.jpg