2 weeks into flowering and shes huge


Active Member
Hello Everyone, I just wanted to share with everyone my first grow using all CFLS. So far she is 2 weeks into flowering. She is just bagseed from some banger, but anyway I just wanted to see what you all think.
Also, how much longer do you think i have to flower for like 7-8 weeks? The pictures are shit cause my cell phone camera sucks ass, but there are budsites everywhere! its awesome.:weed:
I am so proud of myself considering it the first time. Shes very very healthly no problems at all and looks like and overall beautfiul plant. She is 31 and 1/4 inches high. I have a good feeling she might put out alot i gotta get a few more lights in there though besides that everyones right on track :)

Imma try to get a different camera for you guys to show you better quality pictures.















Well-Known Member
Hopefully you have more lights than that. If you don't you should, or you might not yeild much for all that hard work and time taken. Also you should use 2700k bulbs and not the 6500k bulbs.

GL to you and your lady!


Well-Known Member
yeah, she is really tall, either place more cfls including on the side, or you have a few more days to cut the bottom third of the branches, which believe it or not, if your lighting is only on top will help your yield alot.


Well-Known Member
pretty tall plant you got there. how are you going to handle the double/triple in size? from the looks of it your lady is stretching for the lights as it already is and when shes in flower she'll be taller and need tons of lights. maybe LST her a bit? imo you should straighten that mylar out a bit for it to properly reflect lumens. good luck


Well-Known Member
why would you tell him to lst. its a little late for that. your just gonna cause him to snap his plant in half. your grow is looking good dude. its your first plant dont do anthing crazy to it now. add some more lights and let the plant take its course. when your done with this grow you will have a lot more knowledge to grow an even better plant next time around!!