26 Days Flowering - Red/Purple stems, Light Green leafs with Brown Spots.

The Freebird

Active Member
Okay I am not exactly sure what is going on here. I think it may be a little bit of a few things - Phosphorus, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Potash. It started about a week ago but now it is getting a little ridiculous. So I am hoping someone on here may have an answer/solution to my problem.
Let me give you the rundown. Started her as a bag seed, Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil from birth, one transplant a week before 12/12, 3 weeks in veg, 26th day flowering, 260w CFL, 75F during the day 70F at night. I PH my tap water down from 7.5 to 6.3, my runoff water is roughly 6.5 each watering. I never gave her any nutes until the first signs of deficiency about a week ago. First she turned pale green starting at the top and it has worked its way down to the large fan leafs. Then the main stem started turning red/purple, now the whole plant(aside from the fan leafs) is red/purple. And now today I noticed some brown spots starting to appear on the main colas larger set of leafs.
I gave her half str. FF Tiger Bloom and half str. Big Bloom last weekend when I first noticed something was off and she was pail. The next watering I flushed it with PH'ed water, and the last 2 watering I have given her Espom salt(1tsp per gallon).
The problem is getting worse, I am feeding her again tonight. I was thinking the half str Grow Big and Tiger Bloom again.
Here are some pics, you cant see what I see from them but you can get a good idea and its hard to see the brown spots but if you look closely at the leaf edges you can see them(it almost looks bruised)


The Freebird

Active Member
Thanks GrapeSc. She has matured fast, only 3 weeks in veg and about a month flowering so far. I'm thinking she will be done in 3 to 4 weeks, I spotted several amber trics under the scope yesterday.The pictures can be misleading when it comes to bud size, she is only 14in tall so you can get a better picture. The buds do look awesome though, they are solid purple with tons of purple trics. Any way I fed her last night and the problem is still there, but it doesn't appear to be worse.
Here is some eye candy, they are pictures I took yesterday and you can see the deficiency in them as well.


The Freebird

Active Member
Bump.. anyone? any ideas? I noticed some nute burn today even though I only used half str.. maybe I should flush her again?

The Freebird

Active Member
Same problem different day. I flushed it today so I'm hoping to see signs of good health soon. Next watering I'm going to feed her a very small amount of the FF Trio. Any suggestions??!?

The Freebird

Active Member
Giving it another day before I start to looking for signs of good health givin I only flushed it yesterday. Any ideas? I'm dying here


Well-Known Member
One picture on the first post looks like Ca def alongside N P K def. Mg is best absorbed at PH 6.5 so maybe raise ur PH a bit. CA and Mg should be added in equal parts so they don't lock each other out. She also looks like she is finishing off. Are u sure it is only 24 days on 12:12, looks like 44 days !!! In which case, no more food, just plain water !! PH 6.5


Well-Known Member
do not do anything drastic, she is looking nice to be honest from your pics, a bit pale green the leaves look a little dry too
the /red purple this is ok, it would seem she is meant to turn purple ?
red steams are said to be a deficiency , but can also be a regular trait of some strains romulan is known for this

give her some slightly stronger food than you were doing before the deficiency was noticed and be patient
check weather your flowering food has much N in it some cut it down a bit too low imo

you could make it worse by "doing too much to save her" when she doesn't seem to look that sick to begin with

peace :)

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yea, honestly I wouldn't be surprised if that strain is supposed to be a little more colorful when flowering. What strain? What are the temps day and night?

When my stems are turning a little redish/purpleish I am usually able to fix it right away with a little N and Ca and Mg...but if you are in lockout that won't help. I'd water and check the pH of your run off. Flush if your pH is too high or low, otherwise go back to your normal feeding and add N, and CaMg. That's my advice. They look great though.

The Freebird

Active Member
In response to all, I flushed yesterday and my runoff was around 6.5. She is 30 days flowering now and it doesn't look like she is getting any more pale except for the fan leafs. Temps are 75f during the day and 70f at night. She is a unknown bag seed strain that my girlfriend got a while back from some purp. Judging by the tricomes I would say she has about 2 weeks left, I'm finding more and more amber trics on the sugar leafs. None of the leafs are crispy, all are soft except for some slight nute burn on the tips. I was thinking maybe one very small dose of the FF trio before I go to straight h2o. Any thoughts on that? I can get some Updated pics if you guys would like

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yea if it's a purple, then that totally explains all the purple on your plant, it looks good, maybe just a little N and CaMg deficient. Yea, I'd feed again and then nothing but water for 2 weeks with FF nutes. Good luck!

The Freebird

Active Member
I fed her last night with the FF trio at 1/4 dose, today she has tons of new growth! The buds are getting fat fast, but she is also yellowing fast and there are spots on some of the upper fan leafs. I haven't noticed any increase in amber trics so maybe she has a little longer than I thought? There are more purple trics though and all of the other trics are milky. Let me know what you think


+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Looks yummy! Don't wait for amber trichs, as long as most of them are milky she's ready to go. But I'd recommend using straight water for a couple waterings before you cut them down.

The Freebird

Active Member
Yeah that sounds like a good idea. She is starting to swell up a little so I'm thinking I'll chop her down in about 2 weeks.