3 gallon pots

Hi all. Question about growing in 3 gal containers re watering. If the plant is 5 inches tall then are the roots 5 inches long and if so if the old saying is true about first 2 inches of soil are dry, water it but what about further down. Couldnt it still be wet further down and if I water then I mite be overwatering. How much distance between the end of the roots can they detect water. I guess what Im asking is if the roots are 5 inches long but there is moisture at 5 1/2 inches and I water because first two inches are dry isnt that overwatering? Or is there a better way. A moisture meter can keep saying moist for a while with 3 gallon containers which would mean cant water for at least a week and if so that would mean that each watering would be the feeding time. Also moisture meter isnt that long. Say my plant is 10", the meter doesnt go that low. Pick up the container? Wait til she droops? My plants looks good, nice and green but I think some stunted cause I kept watering because first two inches are dry alot. Suggestions? Thks for ideas.


Active Member
There are several ways to determine if your plant needs water. The most popular seems to be going by the weight of the pot. Wait till the pot feels light when you pick it up before you water again. Don't worry about underwatering, the plant will tell you in no uncertain terms when the soil is too dry. This will change as the rootball fills out the pot, you might start out watering once per week, then once every 3 days as the roots fill out.

By far, the best method to determine whether your plants need water is by the weight of the pot. Just leave it alone for 4-5 days and see how it feels.
Thanks x. Appreciate the help. So is 4-5 days the usual time for dry out on 3 gallon containers? its half soil and half perlite and cfls cause its in veg. These containers are 12" deep. So do you think when plant gets to be say 8" and pot mite have 2" of moisture at the very bottom leaving 2" in between dry, it would be ok to water? Is it true the roots are as long as plant is tall?
Also have 2 other seedlings in 3 gallon containers and first two inches always seem to dry out fast but the seedling are about 1 and 1/2" but the soil is probably moist further down. Are they safe?


Active Member
I think you're worrying too much. Overwatering is more of a problem than underwatering. I leave mine until the soil looks very dry and I have a look at the plant, if it's still looking perky I water it the next morning, if it looks a touch droopy then it's time to water. They don't mind a bit of a drought.

I overwatered at first and my plants have been much happier since I've just left them alone.


Well-Known Member
as long as the leaves are not saying different i'd guess you've cracked it buddy ... as xcon says ... they'll let you know if anything is wrong

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Here is a little experiment I just did on watering. This plant is in a 16 ounce beer cup and I allowed it to go with out water until it was heavily wilted. The second picture shows what it looked like 2 hours after getting water out of the tap.

Under watering is easy to recover from. Over watering is sometimes fatal.

Wilt 001.jpgWilt 002.jpg