4 Feminized Nirvana Ice


Well-Known Member
Here is a 4 plant grow, feminized Ice from Nirvana.

Seedling chamber is a ten gallon rubbermaid, with a few coats of flat white.

23W 6500K CFLs.

120mm computer fan for exhaust, with a passive intake.

Using FFOF with a bit of perlite mixed in (maybe 25%).

A couple of the seedlings are exhibiting some signs of stress - not sure what it could be. Could this be nute burn from the FFOF? The other thought I have is that could be burning from a misting accident (attempted to mist just the top soil, but got the seedlings). The two other larger ones don't exhibit these signs, but also seem to look a bit stressed.

I've had no trouble with temps or humidity at all. Right now it is stabilized at 81, with around 30% humidity. Let me know if this is an issue...but from all my reading, doesn't seem to be out of line.

Ice 1.jpgIce 2.jpgIce 3.jpgIce 4.jpgSeed Cab.jpg

Po boy

Well-Known Member
let the grow begin! looking good, though i agree, it does look like nute burn. not bad, they should starting looking good soon. i'll be checking in over time to check out the grow. GL


Well-Known Member
A quick little update - they are now one week old.

A lot of growth over the past few days. The growth is very, very tight. I'm pleased with that. Really no spacing as of yet between the nodes. Supposedly this is a sativa dominant strain - but they seem to be shorty, stocky, and fat like an indica. Maybe too early to tell, though.

They seem to have recovered nicely from the nute burn. Not really showing any nute burn on the new growth. New growth has been vigorous, so say the least. Watered last night.

They aren't growing much in height - they are about an inch tall right now. The smaller, less developed one (also seemed to have the most nute burn, iirc) is actually about 24 hours behind the others in terms of growth. It sprouted 12-24 hours after the others.

One concern with the height is that some of the leaves aren't clearing the cup, but touching on the sides. I generally just lift the leaf and place it up on the edge. Any issues with this?

Anyway, thoughts on the current progress welcome.

Temps have lowered a bit, into the upper 70s, as I adjusted from a passive intake to a fan intake. Very very slight air pull in, but it's there. Humidity seems to stay around 30%, give or take a few.

Ice 1.jpgIce 2.jpgIce 3.jpgIce 4.jpgSeed Cab.jpg

Po boy

Well-Known Member
fine looking one week old plants. keep up that growth rate and get ready for the big harvest! GL


Well-Known Member
Those Nirvana Ice look good, sub'd. Wanna see this baby through to the end. I think for being as old as they are they look amazing and wish you the same throughout the grow man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.

This is my first real grow. Had some bag seed under a 400 watt HPS while at university, but not a real grow.

Also had an aborted attempt a couple of weeks ago. Circumstances beyond my control ended that one.

I am really liking the results so far, and this ten gallon chamber. It is doing a great job


Well-Known Member
Time for the weekly update. Took these yesterday, when they were two weeks from seed. I was going to let them ride it out in the solo cups for the rest of this week until re-potting. But, I decided last night that they needed to be transplanted, so I went ahead and did it. They are now in 3 gallon smart pots, under the same 4 CFLs, plus a two bulb 4 foot T8. I know T8 isn't the best choice, but being just a couple of inches above the plants, in addition to the CFLs, I think that they will be just fine for a few days.

So here they are:

Cab.jpgIce 1.jpgIce 2.jpgIce 3.jpgIce 4.jpg

And here is a cut-away of the solo cup while I was transplanting, to give an idea of root development, and also some of the under bush.

I have to say that I'm very pleased with my progress so far. For a first grow, I don't think it could be going much better. I can't say enough about the little seedling chamber that I constructed. It did its job like a champion.

I also attempted a FIM a few days before the transplant - which you can see at the top of the plants. This seems to have caused some stress/leaf discoloration in one, which you can also see. I'm still not seeing the results of the FIM, and I'm afraid I actually did nothing except stunt the growth. If that's what happened, oh well.

Thoughts, feedback, advice always welcome.


Well-Known Member
im sure u did fine , just let'em grow u will see what 's what . looking good , u gonna use cfl's to flower or hps ?


Well-Known Member
This weekend, or even sooner, plan to put them under a 600 watt MH and let them grow for a couple of weeks before the flowering stage. Then I'll switch out to an HPS bulb.

They'll be in a 3x3 tent, air cooled hood, with a six inch 400 CFM fan.


Well-Known Member
totally missed the 3rd post , u gave lighting specs . did i miss what fert ure using as well? i read but thats hit or miss sometimes


Well-Known Member
So far just FFOF.

Should be enough to get me to flower with what is in the soil. Then Maybe use Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom, or whatever the Fox Farm products are called. Don't remember exactly


Well-Known Member
those r nice , get a feed chart too cause i aint shure , u may be tho , when big bloom is suopposed to be used exactly . alltho u can use both as u see fit .


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping for monster buds.

It is my first grow, but so far so good. I think I will do a decent job simply by using good soil, good light, and good ventilation. Hoping for .5g per Watt, but will expect less.


Sweet grow man. Sub all day. Im growing the same strain, so Maybe I can learn something from you.

Plants look sweet. Congrats.