4100k bulb question


Well-Known Member
I am currently vegging under 2 45watt 4100k cfls. Vegging is great getting nice growth and low temps. i was wondering if i could also flower with more of these 4100k bulbs? my 2700k bulbs get way too hot.

siLky joHNsoN

Well-Known Member
i've heard that 27 is the best, but fuck it..i mean this is the way i look at it, i think most of the flowering is due to the 12 hours of dark, so maybe the lights wont matter, actually i would think stronger light would promote better growth even at this stage...but yeah i think it might be okay but hopefully u get some more feedback on it


Well-Known Member
Good point but for the first 2 days (after popping up), what i do anyway, is 24/0 and for the first 12 hours of the day I use 1 42w 2700k cfl from the top and for the second 12 hours i use 4 23w 6500k cfls on the sides of plant..

The 27k is good for verticle growth...
The 65k is good for bushy bushy bushy...

Knowing this i vertically grow my plant for 12 hours then bush it out for 12..
Gives the plant an excellent start!!!

After that I say do as you like but Im tellin you its an awesome way to start your little ones


Well-Known Member
Lets just say it wont hurt. It just takes up a plug in... But i Think you should experiment on one of the side branches using that light and see how it effects it compared to a diff bud on the other side of the plant..