5 days old and two leaves yellow/moldy?

Hi. I am a new grower and I am only growing one strain first. The strain is Big Bang and I germinated the seed perfectly and the stem went straight up after the first day(it's inside a rockwool cube). After that I sprayed water onto the plant and now it is kind of moldy(leaves). The light i used was 2 100 Watt regular lights for household(I know I messed, I didn't have any other lights). Now I have it under a 400 Watt Metal Halide. It hasn't been growing ever since and I keep it a little dry cause i thought it was root rotting. It's been 5-7 days so far. Please help. Give me advice also and tell me if the plant is still going to be able to survive. Thanks. Here are some kind of blurry photos. Look at the leaves.<BR>



Well-Known Member
I think what caused this was using the incandecent <sp> bulbs to germinate them, the light didnt produce the right spectrum of light to make the seedling produce chlorophyll, good for heat bad for growth.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the taproot just spun around in the cube. You can see it in the pics. Looks like the light was getting to it got it all freaked out! May want to plant them a bit deeper. A 1/2 inch or so.