6 ft 5 tall plants!!


Well-Known Member
Evening all,

I have two plants, 1 blueberry, 1 cheese, i am unsure which is which.

Any tips to make them more bushy? as they are starting to outgrow the tent

they are about 4 months old I think

1 question: Something is going on on the top of the plant on one of them - any idea what it is?

thanks :)IMG_0015.jpgIMG_0017.jpgIMG_0018.jpgIMG_0016.jpg


Well-Known Member
from the looks of those - looks like I see pistil hairs - which would indicate female......and are you on 12/12 light cycle? If not......wow....lol you should have switched a long time ago - gonna be some MONSTERS if not!! need more info really......

best of luck!



Legal Moderator, Esq.
It looks like you may be over nuted and the top got a little heat stressed. I wouldn't worry about it unless it continues.


Well-Known Member
Nope. I planted these near the beginning of may, grew under a normal light for 3 weeks then straight outside. They're over 6 ft tall and the 1st plant is too tall for the greenhouse now - I don't know what 2 do???


Active Member
from the looks of those - looks like I see pistil hairs - which would indicate female......and are you on 12/12 light cycle? If not......wow....lol you should have switched a long time ago - gonna be some MONSTERS if not!! need more info really......

best of luck!


12/12 is kinda a indoor thing......... I hate people who post wrong info just cuz they want something to say.