72 Watts 4 plants

Madden NFL

Active Member
Does anyone think 72watts in cfl's is good enough for 4 plants? Im gonna LST them and stuff.. I accidently broke like 4 lightbulbs so it should have been more... But now i ran out and cant really get anymore atm. So what do you growers think..:-|


Well-Known Member
To me, 72 watts isnt enough.. maybe one plant can go okay with 72,
if you havent started them yet, I would wait until you can replace the 4 you broke.

And again.. Im a noob, but, thats my 2 cents :P


Active Member
So im guessing that is like two or three bulbs each putting out roughly 1800 lumens ( based on 1 26w cfl putting out 1750) so that gives you roughly 5400 lumens. Now I personally dont think that is enough to flower 4 plants one maybe and even then that few lumens wont be enough to really yield much. I would keep all 72w on 18/6 untill you can get more but i defiantly would try and flower any of em be patient and youll be rewarded.


Well-Known Member
100w per plant is good. A lot depends on the strain also. If your plants grow over 30" you will need a lot more light. It would't be enough light for all the colas seeing how with cfls u want them 1" - 2" away at all times. If your growing autos you will be able to get away with less watts

Currently 8 26w cfls for 2 plants. Also been lsting. Adding a 150hps today also. With cfls the more the better.:leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
congratz.. well what do u think about 2 plants just want a little dank fo myself
I have seen someone on here pull 43g off 2 plants using 2 x 23w cfls in a case. You have to really know what your doing to pull that and have a mostly indica strain. What kind of seeds are you using? Named? If a bag seed what was the quality of the pot?

Madden NFL

Active Member
It was bag seed and it was decent stuff.. And im gonna try to get good reflection. so 95watts with good reflection problably depends on the person ya know?


Well-Known Member
Only one way to find out for sure. I personally don't think it's enough light but give it a try.


Well-Known Member
I dont think that will be enough bro. I had 2 42 watt CFLs in my stealth pc grow bring up my auto haze. She turned out small. Other things could have played a factor but i had success before the same way just diff lighting. Def wait for your bulb money to rack up before you go all out, or start the seedling stage with the ones you got but upgrage fast if you want your plant to be a sexy bitch...my 2 cents

Madden NFL

Active Member
Okay. So im trying to go all cfl.. So what if i buy another pack (4) of them 23 watters. That will put me at like 200 watts i do believe DO YOU THINK 200 is enough xD?


Well-Known Member
i personally wouldnt roll with anything less then 100w per plant just get a 400w convertible system, i just picked one up for 170 shipped with mh/hps bulp, cool tube, hangers etc etc... 400w for 4 plants then your assured a decent harvest.