A dumb light question


My plants seem to be doing pretty well. One question and it's a dumb one. When do I move my light up? Is it only when my plants are getting closer to it? I know how to tell they're too close but do I just wait till they're starting to get too close and then move it up? Any other reasons I should be moving my light up or down? Yes i know this is pretty dumb


Well-Known Member
The best way to tell if your light is to close to is hold your hand over your plants for a minute. If its too hot you need to move it up. Hope that helps :)


Well-Known Member
Obviously as the plants grows you need to move the light upwards maybe everyday once they get going.


Well-Known Member
My plants seem to be doing pretty well. One question and it's a dumb one. When do I move my light up? Is it only when my plants are getting closer to it? I know how to tell they're too close but do I just wait till they're starting to get too close and then move it up? Any other reasons I should be moving my light up or down? Yes i know this is pretty dumb
What type of lights do you use??


The advise of putting you hand to feel if its too hot is for HPS lamps.
if you are using crappy cheap energy saving lights, you can have the lamps almost touching e plants because this ones are not warm ones

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
if you are using crappy cheap energy saving lights, you can have the lamps almost touching e plants because this ones are not warm ones

Good luck!
Don't bad mouth crappy cfl's if you haven't tried'em.They work great!!!You just have to know what your doing.Hps put off a lot of heat,causes bleaching,bulbs don't last as long.......etc. etc.


Hey folks thanks a lot. Yeah they are hps. Appreciate the advice. I was getting worried because I haven't moved my lights up in awhile but it's because I didn't move it down enough after they were seedlings so they haven't grown close enough yet. Basically I am a muppet!! Thanks folks


Well-Known Member
I use a 400W HPS, and I found the "hold your hand under" technique did not work for me. I thought the amount of heat was just fine! But I burned my plants. They recovered, but it looked awful and all dried up for a while.

I now use a tape measure. I aim for 18 inches from top of plant to bulb, then let it get to about 16 inches (sometimes 14) but then raise the light back to 18. That hasn't failed me yet.


Well-Known Member
I use a 400W HPS, and I found the "hold your hand under" technique did not work for me. I thought the amount of heat was just fine! But I burned my plants. They recovered, but it looked awful and all dried up for a while.

I now use a tape measure. I aim for 18 inches from top of plant to bulb, then let it get to about 16 inches (sometimes 14) but then raise the light back to 18. That hasn't failed me yet.

I can get my as close as ten dude. I suppose it depends on what temps you've got to deal with in your tent but the closer the better :)


Well-Known Member
I can get my as close as ten dude. I suppose it depends on what temps you've got to deal with in your tent but the closer the better :)
I have noticed that some people have better capabilities here than I do! I might also not have the best venting system...I think it's good at best, not great. And that plays a role, too. It's a small tent...