A Gift To the Disenfranchised.


Well-Known Member
I never bought into the planes were not used to hit the Pentagon propaganda. But I have seen the Squibs going off as the towers fell. Now I do believe that the government did have something to do with that.


Well-Known Member
yes the explosions going all along the tower... I felt that was somthing people cant deny... they look very smilar to the explosions of buildings that were being imploded


Well-Known Member
Why did tower 7 fall? it wasn't on fire, nor did it get hit by a plane. I know the south end was damaged a bit from the collapse of the other two buildings, but it collapsed straight down just like buildings 1 & 2.


Well-Known Member
and didn't the person who bought it buy it within months of the attacks???
and have insurance that included terrorism?


Well-Known Member
check these two sites out, one has a bunch of photos from the crash sites....
New York | Pentagon | Shanksville | UA175
that's got pictures from all the crashes.
this one just restates the fact that there was no plane crash at shanksville...
Flight 93 crash hole too small for a Boeing 757
I just say you take a look and make the call for yourself. To me, I just don't see how there would such little left of the plane. you will see one pic of smoke that someone took around the area, and it looks like something blew up. no evidence of fire or anything around.
draw your own conclusions.


New Member
How many people made phone calls from the plane that hit the pentagon? was that really a plane or a missle like the conspitacy theorists say. They confiscated all the data from any camera that might of had a view of the crash except the one where you can't tell what hit the wall. I think they even edited that so there are a couple of frames missing just before the ball of fire. How many of you could believe your government would lie to you. ~LOL~, how about every one of us except the brain dead. That is this governments main job, lying and stealing, so how could you be surprised? The evil Bush regime would go to any lengths to maintain power and corruption status. I find it really hard to believe they would relenquish power in the 2008 elections, just transfer it over to Judiani.