A Little Help Please


Straight to the point. Growing ethos crescendo RBX one. First grow was OK. Second harvest looked better than the first(im finding seed this round just started trimming). I wanna cut down the third harvest that is 2 weeks behind the one I’m trimming now 7 days early, but I also wanna wait a week. I’m scared about seeds. I don’t know how that happened. Must’ve been some sort of stress. I grow no males. I’m wondering if I should cut down the third one now or not. Could I have let the second one go too long and that’s why I got seeds? Could it have been some sort of stress? Do you see seeds? Is it time to chop?



I guess they don’t really, just don’t want them. I guess kinda asking in a way if anyone else grew these and had the same problem. I bought a ten pack, poppped one seed, and now second harvest and I have 50. Could it be the geno? Or did I fuck it up somewhere? Do you think I should wait, or from the pics do you think they’re done? I have a different strain ready to go in the room but don’t want to fuck up my two week cycle.



Well-Known Member
I guess they don’t really, just don’t want them. I guess kinda asking in a way if anyone else grew these and had the same problem. I bought a ten pack, poppped one seed, and now second harvest and I have 50. Could it be the geno? Or did I fuck it up somewhere? Do you think I should wait, or from the pics do you think they’re done? I have a different strain ready to go in the room but don’t want to fuck up my two week cycle.
I have no absolute answer, but IMHO, pot has been so manipulated and inbred (often irresponsibly) that genetic issues, like hermies, are become more and more common.

conor c

Well-Known Member
I have no absolute answer, but IMHO, pot has been so manipulated and inbred (often irresponsibly) that genetic issues, like hermies, are become more and more common.
I think so though of course they always existed I think these days with so many chucks around with no testing happening with most of them it's becoming more prevalent I agree bud back in the day most folk put time into a line minus bagseed wonders of course now id say if your lucky 20% of people test there stuff properly