about to die?? or is it??

i have a baby og kush strain in a dwc/bubbleponics, well i think its about to die, theres purple in the stem and the leafs are lime llime green almost yellowish but the stem is standing straight up and look strong i waited a little late to start it on some nutes but the ph is fine and i have it on nutes now as long as my stem is strong will my leafs regain color..


Well-Known Member
Well maybe you should do your own research then and not expect us to figure out all your problems for you, I simply told you the truth that no one would be able to tell you what your problem was for sure with the non-existent info you provided. Sorry i tried to help, I will make sure not to make that mistake again. Good luck growing, sounds like you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
You should remove those personal attacks, I understand exactly how you feel and what you mean cuz i do too, but in the end its still not alright to personally attack someone and all that. It's hard to resist it(i had to walk away from the comp for a sec myself to cool down after that post of his), lol, but it must be done, it would kind of suck to get an infraction over him. Thanks for the support, i do appreciate it.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
You should remove those personal attacks, I understand exactly how you feel and what you mean cuz i do too, but in the end its still not alright to personally attack someone and all that. It's hard to resist it(i had to walk away from the comp for a sec myself to cool down after that post of his), lol, but it must be done, it would kind of suck to get an infraction over him. Thanks for the support, i do appreciate it.
You are right, I just hate people disrepecting people that are trying to help! I have seen you all around the forums helping others and just don't like to see you disrespected! If I get an infraction that is fine with me over this! I will still grow and be on here some way or another! I just wish people wouldn't be so rude to the people that are trying to help them! Just because you are lazy doesn't give you the right to be rude to the exp growers around here.