Adding Weight


Well-Known Member
I'm about 3 weeks from harvest on one plant and 4 and five on the others,
What can I put on them in the 3 last weeks of harvert to add weight,there already 16" by 4 " round, they look like baseball bats,
I useing ,Cool bloom ,Bat Gona,Malass,Flornova Bloom,Bud candy,And big bud .PH is about 6.5.Will flush last 8 days.and how can I kee my buds nice and tight through
harvest? last year they got a little lose at harvest!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
bloombastic from atami is a good booster/finisher, letting them go the full distance is the best thing you can do for density.

outdoor is always slightly loose in my opinion, make hash with it.


Well-Known Member
I'm about 3 weeks from harvest on one plant and 4 and five on the others,
What can I put on them in the 3 last weeks of harvert to add weight,there already 16" by 4 " round, they look like baseball bats,
I useing ,Cool bloom ,Bat Gona,Malass,Flornova Bloom,Bud candy,And big bud .PH is about 6.5.Will flush last 8 days.and how can I kee my buds nice and tight through
harvest? last year they got a little lose at harvest!!:leaf:
Got pics? they sound nice!


Well-Known Member
Just do what you are doing and they will be a heavy harvest.
i hear the Kool Bloom adds a good amount of weight.....and also the molasses(bud candy)


Active Member
What about blackstrap molasses? For those of us who are on a tight budget? Can't you use that to fatten up buds? I only ask because I am thinking about adding that to my feeding schedule. Do I have to wait towards the end of flowering?


bud bootlegger
What about blackstrap molasses? For those of us who are on a tight budget? Can't you use that to fatten up buds? I only ask because I am thinking about adding that to my feeding schedule. Do I have to wait towards the end of flowering?
this is really a myth.. mollases doesn't really do anything for buds, all it will do is feed the soil's microbes making for a healthier soil base.. but adding tons of chems to soil kills most benefiicials anyhoo's..

ime, there is no one fix all additive.. just grow healthy, happy plants all the way through flower and keep leaf growth happy and green, and you'll be rewarded..


Well-Known Member
this is really a myth.. mollases doesn't really do anything for buds, all it will do is feed the soil's microbes making for a healthier soil base.. but adding tons of chems to soil kills most benefiicials anyhoo's..

ime, there is no one fix all additive.. just grow healthy, happy plants all the way through flower and keep leaf growth happy and green, and you'll be rewarded..
a happy soil is a happy harvest!


Well-Known Member
this is really a myth.. mollases doesn't really do anything for buds, all it will do is feed the soil's microbes making for a healthier soil base.. but adding tons of chems to soil kills most benefiicials anyhoo's..

ime, there is no one fix all additive.. just grow healthy, happy plants all the way through flower and keep leaf growth happy and green, and you'll be rewarded..
True molasses feeds the soil.....which in turn feeds the plant. ;)

No molasses isn't what goes into the buds making them "sweeter" or "fatter"


Well-Known Member
True molasses feeds the soil.....which in turn feeds the plant. ;)

No molasses isn't what goes into the buds making them "sweeter" or "fatter"

That is the myth itself.. infact I myself bought into it till doing more research on cheap bud candy type recipes..

so far I have to say I am 100% with the Super Bloom I bought..


Active Member
DynaGro claims their Protekt adds 30% dry weight to herbs and fruit. Too late to start a salt based additive 3 weeks from harvest but maybe give it a go next using it and my leaves and stems are definitely thickening a bit. We'll see im barely starting flower


Active Member
So molasses IS good to use? I've got a soil mix of MG organic mix, Jiffy pellets, and Scott's potting soil. And I'm using MG for my nutes. Using only Bloom Booster right now though. Would the molasses help break down those salts better?


Well-Known Member
So molasses IS good to use? I've got a soil mix of MG organic mix, Jiffy pellets, and Scott's potting soil. And I'm using MG for my nutes. Using only Bloom Booster right now though. Would the molasses help break down those salts better?
I use it with the MG Bloom Booster.


Active Member
So molasses IS good to use? I've got a soil mix of MG organic mix, Jiffy pellets, and Scott's potting soil. And I'm using MG for my nutes. Using only Bloom Booster right now though. Would the molasses help break down those salts better?
I use it with the MG Bloom Booster.
It is an organic amendment to help feed and maintain beneficial microbes in organic soil but will still help chelate nutrients in an un-organic setting such as with MG...if you add castings and such (microbes) often it might help them stay alive longer but they will still die eventually in high salt concentrations with MG


Active Member
I would run some advanced nutrients overdrive.... it works great
I'd love to have that kind of money. No disrespect brother, but, I live in a town of less than 1000 people with no job market whatsoever. People around here make money hustling. I get a government check (SSI, as does 83% of my town) and so I can't afford any of that good shit. When my crop finishes and I take in over a QP at $300 a lid, then yeah, I will definitely get some good shit. But for now, I'm just a small podunk town mountain man grower trying to feed his family. That's why I asked about molasses with MG. Cause MG is cheap and so is molasses.


Well-Known Member
It is an organic amendment to help feed and maintain beneficial microbes in organic soil but will still help chelate nutrients in an un-organic setting such as with MG...if you add castings and such (microbes) often it might help them stay alive longer but they will still die eventually in high salt concentrations with MG
There are 100's of millions(sometimes even BILLIONS) of microbes in a good rich soil anyway. I doubt it kills all of those......when you feed the molasses the microbes feed and multiply pretty much replenishes microbes and makes some extra potassium, iron, magnesium, and calcium availabe to the plants :D