Advanced Nutrients Question


Hey all,

I've been debating between two products to be used as flowering nutrients.

AN Iguana Juice Bloom
AN Dr Hornby's Big Bud

Anyone have any experience with either?

From what I can tell the iguana juice is organic and would help with taste/aroma. I don't think the big bud stuff is organic, at least it doesn't mention it, however big bud would likely result in a better yield because of the NPK, no? Big bud is also a fair bit cheaper.

I'm thinking my best bet would be the Big Bud + some molasses. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
I use the bloom juice, big bud and the molasses together. If I had to choose I would use the Bloom Juice instead of the Big Bud with the molasses, but I much rather use all three.

AN Addict 420

Active Member
Big bud Is just a bloom booster. It isnt meant to be used as a base nutrient. I would however use the iguana Juice with the big bud like JASE said. Although I like to use Fox farms big bloom as an organic bloom booster if I'm growin in soil cause it keeps the roots healthy and has microbes and enzymes as well as a similar P/K ratio as big bud. not to mention it helps prevent lockout.
