AK48 veg for 50 days, starting to flower...


Hi, I got my AK48 growing for 50 days now (7 weeks) and just switched to 12/12 today.

Here are 56 plants average of 50cm height. How do they look like at the current stage? I need to finish in the next 9 weeks so started the 12/12 now. I home it is not too fast?

Here are some pics:

Few questions:

1. Do they look tall/big enough for 7 weeks?
2. Is this enough veg to start 12/12 now?

Thanks in advance :)


Nice job. They appear to be just where you want them at this point. You should see the main leads start to stretch and form the basis for bud formation in 14 to 21 days. At that time switch to a good bud fert and a bud enhancer. Going with a fert with minimal nitrogen will drop some sun leaves and allow more light to lower colas and will give you a better bud to leaf ratio on your buds. Also consider using a B-vitamin like superthrive every other watering (3 drops per gallon of water); this will help your root ball stay healthy. You may want to elevate the shorter plants to make a more even canopy in the meantime. Nice to see a good grow going. Pls post more pics in three weeks buddy!


Active Member
They look great for 7 weeks and yes 12/12 would be a good idea at this point.

i keep staring at your pics dude i like the set up haha must smell fantastic in there XD

quick question for you, what size pots are those?


Well-Known Member
Great job! They look amazing!! First grow? If so ur well on ur way ;) I'm growing some Ak48, and @ 7 weeks ur plants should already be well into flower. The AK start flowering in veg mode, did u see all the pistils on her When u were in vegg mode? Id say those plant will b ready in 8 weeks top!!
Excellent and impressive grow! I have grown AK47 for years and really love the cut I have. She's always a large producer and best buds are taken at 8 weeks. I am pretty sure AK47 and AK48 are similar if not exactly alike. One question I have for you is, are your lights always up high like that or was this just for the picture. And, if you have grown like that how well do the buds form? Thanks and I will be watching the show eagerly awaiting the final.



Thanks for all of your replies and sorry for the delay, I will post a new update next week with the week 3 of the flowering.

quick question for you, what size pots are those?
- These are 10 liter pots

First grow?
- Second :)

The AK start flowering in veg mode, did u see all the pistils on her When u were in vegg mode?
- Yep, i did

are your lights always up high like that or was this just for the picture.
- They are most of the time this high as it is soooo damn hot in there.. But as far as it grows fast and good I dont mind keeping them this way

And, if you have grown like that how well do the buds form?
- Last grow was ~100 grams per plant.
(not sure if I have answered your question, but if you browse my olde porst, you will find the photos)

Hope this all goes well till the end :)

full of purple

Well-Known Member
Nice grow man Very impessed for the space and wattage you have.
3200watts with that many plants is not bad if your pulling 100 grams a plant with no co2.

You running 35 plants and 8 400s right?


Well-Known Member
eight 400s? is it all one cutting of the AK or are they all from seed?
B12 superthrive is not organic, sure it works but it leave a chemical taste like miracle grow.


Im impressed, Can I ask why you chose that strain in particular? Im really just curious Ive never tried it
Tired it before and it all went so good that I just want to repeat that :) You may check my older posts for more photos of first grow. It is called ak47, but really it is same ak48.


Well-Known Member
First off i just wanna say all the plants look great! Could be bigger for how long they were vegged. To get the same, or Simalar growth to 600 and 1000 watts with a 400 watt they need to be lowered. obviously like you said heat is an issue. In a perfect scenario or upgrade for your setup would be air cooled hoods so you could effectively drop your lights without burning your plants, especially with 400's!! They don't penetrate vary well and they really need to be closer. good luck man I'll be keeping watch on the grow

And I'm talking about PAR light penetrating not the visible light to me and you. It may appear to get light to the plants great but I can promise you with 400 watts at that distance there working at half there potentia. A par light meter would show you your plants could use more light even at there tops


Active Member
Great grow bro!! I'll be watching closely I can learn something from you for sure...


Well-Known Member
Hi, I got my AK48 growing for 50 days now (7 weeks) and just switched to 12/12 today.

Here are 56 plants average of 50cm height. How do they look like at the current stage? I need to finish in the next 9 weeks so started the 12/12 now. I home it is not too fast?

Here are some pics:
View attachment 2219341View attachment 2219342View attachment 2219343View attachment 2219344

Few questions:

1. Do they look tall/big enough for 7 weeks?
2. Is this enough veg to start 12/12 now?

Thanks in advance :)
Just wanted to say nice grow and you will love the smoke! It is one of the most popular strains among my friends to smoke and they keep wanting me to grow more of it.


Once again thank you for your replies :)

keepitcoastal - I will be building air vented hoods on the next grow

patrickkawi37 - I am not a very experienced on terms, what does it mean "footprint" and those 4s?
loquacious - I know it will be superb :) This is the second grow and the first one of these where fantastic!
PaulN'Chuck - I am not very experienced with cloning, so I am growing from seed every time, if you can recommend and good way for conning, I will be doing it next time

I will post a photo update next week! On July 20 when it will be 30 days of flowering. Will create a new post probably. Keep on checking please :

