Alfalfa meals plant hormones

I don't have side by sides, or any numbers to show you, but yes. In my experience/opinion, yes. And if the growth hormones don't do much, the readily available nitrogen is good for growth.

Alfalfa meal is great. In your soil, or soaked in a bucket and watered in at any time, or sprayed on foliar style during veg.

It's supposed to promote tighter nodes.

Put 1/2 cup alfalfa meal and 1 cup kelp meal in 5 gallons of water, and you have the solution to most plant deficency issues on hand.

Strain and dilute this mixture, and spray it on vegging plants once a week. Then, clones you cut will root faster, and be more healthy. I saw this in a video, from the fat guy with the awesome sideburns.
I don't have side by sides, or any numbers to show you, but yes. In my experience/opinion, yes. And if the growth hormones don't do much, the readily available nitrogen is good for growth.

Alfalfa meal is great. In your soil, or soaked in a bucket and watered in at any time, or sprayed on foliar style during veg.

It's supposed to promote tighter nodes.

Put 1/2 cup alfalfa meal and 1 cup kelp meal in 5 gallons of water, and you have the solution to most plant deficency issues on hand.

Strain and dilute this mixture, and spray it on vegging plants once a week. Then, clones you cut will root faster, and be more healthy. I saw this in a video, from the fat guy with the awesome sideburns.

I do the kelp/alfalfa teas up to mid flower but never did foliar with them, does foliar make that much of a difference compared to watering it in in terms of faster rooting of clones? I'm getting leaf tip burns from the alfalfa in flower and seems I might have used too much. I do 1/4 to 1/2 cup kelp to 1 cup alfalfa though. I'm wondering if anyone notices if alfalfa makes a difference in growth or overall product. I'm using neem cake as well so my plants have all the nitrogen and whatever nutrients they will need. I'm wondering if my yields or product will suffer if I stop using it.
I forgot to mention that I dilute the alfalfa/kelp water before I use it. Usually at least 50/50.

And like 9 parts water to 1 part Alf/kelp as an occasional "boost" to the soil. I saw a no-till guy call Minnesota Nice mention using it this way. Kind of like a bonus additive, like a seed sprouted tea.

After the alfalfa sits in the bucket for a week or so, you can see the waxy film form on top. In my mind, That's the growth hormone we are looking for. In my opinion, spraying this stuff on your leaves is a no-brainer. Vegging plants look great. Clones seem to root faster after the foliar spray. But I've also started using aloe in cloning as well. And I could just be better than I used to be at cloning. So I can't be super definitive about it.

But, the alfalfa is so easy to use. And so cheap. Even if it's all in my mind, and just a placebo effect, its worth it to me. And one extra thing to do to my plants per week is one more opportunity to make sure training and watering and everything else is cool.

Neem is great too. I've been using it for almost a year, and don't plan to stop. It seems to last a lot longer In the soil than alfalfa or guano or blood meal that I used In the past. In my opinion the alfalfa is a compliment to it, not a substitute.
I do the kelp/alfalfa teas up to mid flower but never did foliar with them, does foliar make that much of a difference compared to watering it in in terms of faster rooting of clones? I'm getting leaf tip burns from the alfalfa in flower and seems I might have used too much. I do 1/4 to 1/2 cup kelp to 1 cup alfalfa though. I'm wondering if anyone notices if alfalfa makes a difference in growth or overall product. I'm using neem cake as well so my plants have all the nitrogen and whatever nutrients they will need. I'm wondering if my yields or product will suffer if I stop using it.
you sure it's leaf tip burn from too much nitrogen?
it's not common, that's why I ask...
I haven't made tea with it yet. I use alfalfa in my soil for cannabis, flowers, and vegetable garden.

I get the pellets from tractor supply. 40 pound bags are cheap. Make sure it is not bound with animal fat.

I sprinkle the pellets and spray with water. When they come apart I rake or turn it into the soil.

My vegetable garden loved it. One of the best years I had was when I started adding alfalfa.

Kelp meal is great to.
I haven't made tea with it yet. I use alfalfa in my soil for cannabis, flowers, and vegetable garden.

I get the pellets from tractor supply. 40 pound bags are cheap. Make sure it is not bound with animal fat.

I sprinkle the pellets and spray with water. When they come apart I rake or turn it into the soil.

My vegetable garden loved it. One of the best years I had was when I started adding alfalfa.

Kelp meal is great to.

Alfalfa in those pellets is more than likely GMO alfalfa. Looks like over 75% of the alfalfa grown here in the states is now GMO. I used to get Compressed Bales of it there for cheap then filter it down to meal. Just thought I would point that out since you can't really feed your plants GMOs and still call them organic. At least i wouldn't . Just found a place today close by that sells 50 pounds organic for 29 bucks. Going to have to pick me some up next week.
I just went to the feed store this week and ordered a few lbs of alfalfa seed and barley seeds...they didn't have alfalfa meal but I went ahead and had him order it too but I seen they had the pellets ...I didn't check the ingredients like a dummy but I was wondering if anyone ever takes the pellets and grinds them down ...blends thsm .. however u may do it and use them in a tea or top dress ...I figured they would break down better this way
I just went to the feed store this week and ordered a few lbs of alfalfa seed and barley seeds...they didn't have alfalfa meal but I went ahead and had him order it too but I seen they had the pellets ...I didn't check the ingredients like a dummy but I was wondering if anyone ever takes the pellets and grinds them down ...blends thsm .. however u may do it and use them in a tea or top dress ...I figured they would break down better this way

Break them up and top dress them.

Easy peasy
Alfalfa in those pellets is more than likely GMO alfalfa. Looks like over 75% of the alfalfa grown here in the states is now GMO. I used to get Compressed Bales of it there for cheap then filter it down to meal. Just thought I would point that out since you can't really feed your plants GMOs and still call them organic. At least i wouldn't . Just found a place today close by that sells 50 pounds organic for 29 bucks. Going to have to pick me some up next week.
Non GMO.

I'm not going to sit here and knit pick about stuff.

Some people can't afford those top shelf meals. I grew up throwing alfalfa bales. That will put hair on your chest. Lol.
I just went to the feed store this week and ordered a few lbs of alfalfa seed and barley seeds...they didn't have alfalfa meal but I went ahead and had him order it too but I seen they had the pellets ...I didn't check the ingredients like a dummy but I was wondering if anyone ever takes the pellets and grinds them down ...blends thsm .. however u may do it and use them in a tea or top dress ...I figured they would break down better this way

I use the horse feed pellets, you've just got to check there's no added ingredients and like stated earlier non-gmo. The ones I got are organic and are still cheaper than any alfalfa meal, which isn't reasonably available to me anyway. The only problem is the size of the bag I had to buy............I'll never have to buy it again, unless I get a horse, lol

If you're making a tea you can just throw them in and they break up on their own, if you're mixing it in your soil bust it up in a coffee grinder or pestle and mortar, in small amounts.
Idk..they might still be made by the same ppl but ur prob right much of the pellets do you add to your soil mix per cf?...I planned on using the meal for that buy I guess it doesn't matter