All jarred up, thanks RIU!

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
A brief history:

Decided to start growing my own in Jan. this year. Bagseed from my SIL. Didn't have a clue. This is my 3rd grow, 1st time with store-bought seeds. First grow was quite an experience, long story short, I got 2 little buds, each a bit bigger than a pencil eraser. I smoked that whole plant, fan leaves and all. Got a 600w light next.

Grow two was bagseed as well. It hermied on me but I got some smoke. Main cola was about 18" long and weighed about an ounce & a half wet. Got maybe a couple of ounces of bud all told.

This grow started in Aug. so it could be done by Thanksgiving. I chopped a couple of weeks ago. (See how much I've learned) Two plants in soil a Psicodelicia & a High Tension. Both 70/30 sativas, but that's where the similarity ends.
I had some serious problems late in flowering, ph lockout I think. I didn't have time to correct it but I kept notes from day one so I have that to review.

Next grow will be soil, all organic. I've got some Hawaiian Wave I've been itching to try. Starting those in Jan., it's too hard to keep this going during the holidays. It's an 80 day so I'm shooting for an April harvest.
Seedlings for my first gorilla will be started during that round as well.

Anyway, got 30 some-odd people coming Thursday, a bunch will be here tomorrow. Gotta get back to housework.

Here are some pictures. This time I got something over 5 oz of dried, well trimmed bud. Besides having a blast, and harvesting some top-notch bud, the best part of all is that no one died for this and no bad guys got any money.

Thank you for all your help, support, and encouragement so far. I'm still a super-n00b but things can only get better.

IMGP1598.jpg Two weeks

IMGP2810.jpg High Tension

IMGP2808.jpg Jarred

IMGP2807.jpg Buds & sugar leaves

IMGP2797.jpg Pure THC dripping from the stem ;-)

IMGP2795.jpg The drive to reproduce is unequaled

IMGP2794.jpg Psicodelicia popcorn

IMGP2785.jpg Hanging

IMGP2776.jpg Ready to harvest

IMGP2768.jpg High Tension

IMGP2765.jpg Redundant shot

IMGP2762.jpg Psicodelicia

IMGP2814.jpg High Tension sugar leaves