Almost there!!!


New Member
At day 60 of flower and I do see cloudy with some clear but very little amber. How does it look to you guys go to 70? I started flushing last week. This is my first grow I just got a loop but I’m not super confident using it. I can see cloudy for sure but also see clear. These were seeds I found from bud so I’m not sure what type of weed this is or how long it should go all these plants are different though



Well-Known Member
ALL Pistils need to change from white to brown and recede. Here’s a cropped shot of your plant. So what would you say?


Well-Known Member
No. The hairs on your first pic are all brown for sure but they haven’t receded. I bet the lower buds on that plant have mostly white Pistils. As for the other pics the hairs are actually NOT pretty much copper. chop when done not some arbitrary date. Google pics of finished plants and ignore anything that tells you to chop when 70-80% hairs are brown. All hairs brown and sucked back in is when to examine your trichomes.