Am I overdoing additives?

so far I’m using Sensi Grow A+B for base nutrients and for additives I got
Sensizym , Tarantula , Pirahna , VooDoo Juice and B-52
I also have Bud Blood the transition to flower phase I haven’t yet totally decided on the additives I’m using for the bloom phase but I plan to go just as heavy or if not heavier definitely gonna use Sensi Bloom A+B for my base nutrients and so far I plan on using Big Bud , Bud Factor X , Bud Candy , Terpenator and Overdrive to name a few I wonder if Rock Resinator on top of all of those is too much haven’t quite made up my mind on the Rock Resinator yet.


Well-Known Member
Use base nutes are you will be chasing issues the entire grow

I've been growing for years and only use 2 or 3 additives, and one is calmag
Yes you're over doing it. Additives don't equal larger or better quality buds. The people selling you those bottles are trying to convince you otherwise. So far it's working.
I’ve just been online reading about these products they all sounded like good products so I ordered them a lot of great reviews with pics and all what would your suggestion be?
Are you currently growing?Hydro or Soil?


Well-Known Member
I’ve just been online reading about these products they all sounded like good products so I ordered them a lot of great reviews with pics and all what would your suggestion be?
Are you currently growing?Hydro or Soil?
It's all a gimmick. My suggestion would to be to follow @buyyouabeer 's advice. I'm not growing right now, but I grow in coco. The link below in my signature will show you pretty much everything I've done. Good luck.


Active Member
I run part a and b and bloom in flower thats it maybe some ph up or down... the heck you need all that for?!


Well-Known Member
Are you trolling us dude? You are asking for a lot more headaches than benefits you will gain from any of those additives. You


Well-Known Member
Bud Factor X has chitosan, which does work. Can you get it cheaper without the Advanced Nutrients label? Absolutely. But I don't want to mix my own nutrients from powders and such in my bathroom. I absolutely hate working with dry nutrients. I also add 1ml/litre of B-52, doesn't do any harm. I wouldn't use anything else you listed, but I do use AN Nirvana for it's triacontanol.


Well-Known Member
I see all the OG letting you know less is more.

I use AN Connoisseur Coco, tap water, myco, molasses, and have some cal-mag on hand.

Less truly is more.