Another WWYD for latest soil report - Planning for next run.


Well-Known Member
The latest soil report test is back from the prior run and I was a little shocked at what I'm finding. It looks like my N is way high since I only top-dressed it a bit towards the end and the last run was fine outside of known self-inflicted problems (bad starting clones, not enough rooting/veg time on transplant).


So unfortunately I had already re-amended and left cooking for several weeks before I got these results back. I fully expected to be very N depleted after a full run & that needing to be boosted (as you'd expect). I was conservative on the P & K inputs until I did have a test back but I knew they'd need some bump to replenish what was used. So I may be actually off from what I'm showing here - another test is in order obviously.

With this test I did get a surprise; I see their suggested values having me with 4x the N. Not sure I'm too worried unless my other inputs really push things too high and I have issues/burning. I did aim for slow-release N inputs. fwiw - I expect we want higher than their suggested values so being 2x or even 3x doesn't have me too worried but when going beyond that's questionable.

The other values aren't as horrible, especially if their target/suggested values are lower than we'd want for our devious purposes. :D

The P isn't horrible, not even 2x. The K is around 3x suggested. CA is coming in at 1.8x but I want that higher still I suspect. The Mg is at 3.x which is probably out of balance with CA but if I push the CA up is probably good (for the CA/Mg ration).

The S is still super high but as discussed in prior threads of mine I suspect I had used both PhotoSynthesis+ heavily (feed stock is S I believe) and the Big6 micronutrients which are all sulfates. So I'm definitely looking to avoid any more S inputs. This is a dilema though (I believe) - most of these micros for soil are sulfate based so I'm not sure how to tackle the micro deficiencies without any more S being included. I need to start looking at my options so this is something I'm keen to hear any suggestions on. Looking at compost options perhaps. I do have a good bit of Azomite still lying around since I bought a 50lb bag years & years ago and have barely made a dent in it (small scale here).

For the Boron def I think I just need borax there. I need to research application rates &/or sources (i.e. any difference or just grocery store stuff).
My Na is finally back down! That had been elevated in the past. I had used lots of kelp previously so suspecting that was the source.

So soil & soil testing geeks, I'm all ears; I have a few thoughts so far but haven't really looked at all my options quite yet. I'm still a few weeks away from even thinking of another run and may pause over the hotter months but figured I'll get my cooking going either way and let it sit until needed.


Well-Known Member
Anyone happen to know what basis they use for their recommended ranges in these Soil Savvy tests?

Was trying to figure out what they're referencing and then trying to figure out how that applies to growing our lovely ladies. Is it 2x, 3x their recommended values or how does it compare.