Anyone ever get growers tunnel vision??


Junior Creatologist

Anyone ever have this happen before? Like, after you start growin and you learn the basics and all of that n everything is goin great, everything else you do like shopping, n just normal chores around the house n shit, you start to relate it all to growing?? fuckin wierd...I cant walk around the home depot by where i live without goin nuts, lol

Green on Green

Active Member
Oh shit! I thought I was the only one! I drive past lowes or home depot and start twitching. All day every day all I think about is Sex and Weed, and sex with weed, and sex in my grow room, and trading kinky sex favors for the weed I grew in my grow room while having sex amongst it, and how to set up a proper drip system for $20 bucks


Well-Known Member
i did at 1st. i was thinkin 2myself "yeah i can use that for my grow"

but now im not that assed, i only pop in the grow room couple times a week to water / take pic for RIU journal.


Well-Known Member
LOL.. it's like that with any hobby you get into hardcore.. haven't you been around people who compare everything in life to video games or a tv show? lol.. the whole world revolves around whatever has your mind excited..

Yea.. I went through this too..

The Stig

Well-Known Member
fuckin wierd...I cant walk around the home depot by where i live without goin nuts, lol
lol and now try that with some friends after smoking a blunt lol :blsmoke:

so yeap one more for the group of people who's "growing has change their life's" :bigjoint:

has anyone notice also how you maybe use your hydro/growing "knowledge" (haha) to take care of other plants in the house... :weed:


Well-Known Member
has anyone notice also how you maybe use your hydro/growing "knowledge" (haha) to take care of other plants in the house... :weed:
LMFAO.. yupp. I grew weed before I started growing veggies and stuff... realized that I had basically studied gardening 101 when learning to grow weed.. lol.. to say the least my veggies and shyt looked gooood. lol..


Junior Creatologist
man you guys fuckin rock, lol. I thought i was startin to go nuts man. This is my 1st ever grow, and its goin pretty fuckin awesome at the moment, so yeah i guess your right about the whole everything revolves around whatever gets your mind excited. But this is the shit man, i actually feel like im accomplishing somethin. Im used to doin basically 4 things in my daily routine - smokin, tv, video games, and my wife. This gives my day a whole new element to work around, and i fuckin love it. Thanks everyone at RIU for all your help...yep, you guys fuckin rock :mrgreen:


Junior Creatologist
Oh yeh BTW, how do i get my rep points up in here? Am i at the mercy of the mob here or wut???


Well-Known Member
Just gotta post good comments that help people out or make people joined at a bad time..the moderators are getting alil to power hungry and sending out infractions for little things so watch out..we might even get one for "thread jacking"..i got one for trying to stick up for RIU..just be carful with what you say and dont sware..Anyway so i dont get introuble for thread jacking..yeah i used to have that to when i first started growing.. i just wanted to buy every thing i saw that could help my grow


Junior Creatologist
what do u mean thread jacking?? O n btw, whenever they bust out infractions what happens? when i logged in an hour ago, it took me right to the forum rules page and i had to read it and agree to the terms before i could get to posting again. Would that be somethin like a warning??


Well-Known Member
Thread jacking means you post somthing irrelevant to the threads original question or comment..and you get introuble for that..and as far as the infractions go you can get 3 infractions then the mods will make you "cool off" and i think that means you get kicked off for a little while..then when you get up to 5 infractions you get permentaly kicked off, its all in that fourm rules thing..oh yeah heres +rep to get you started:mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i get red stains of light and plant from the brightness, im more like that for things that look like bongs:peace: