Anyone Have an Opinion on Hygrozyme?


Active Member
I've been using it but I don't know if it's doing anything, and, man, is it expensive. Am I wasting my money?
Thanx to all,
Robert in Arizona

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
You should use base nutrients, maybe a PK booster, and h202 if you need to control pathogens.

i'd say hygrozyme is like those sweeteners and carboload products.


I use a product similar to Hygrozyme in order to keep my medium healthy. We use coco chips..and then re-use them. Enzymes help brake down complex molecules and keeps the medium clean. It really does work wonders.. Without the stuff i'd have an unhealthy root situation.

However, if the medium were not re-usable.. something like rockwool or soil, i'd probably not waste the money on enzyme