Anyone have any experience with this light setup...


Well-Known Member
whats up fellas.......quick question...anyone have any experience with this light High Tech Garden Supply . im planning a cabinet and need a compact light....thinking of about six plants using scroog will be aprox..14w 22d 54h.......thanks for any help......

ownage al

Active Member
From what i've heard... Htg is a pretty reliable source for lights, and cheap too.

As long as you have proper ventilation intake/exhaust fans... heat should NEVER be a problem.

I was actually thinking about getting one of the same HPS lights like that.

But honestly, I would reccomend you go with a 250 watt light convertable from mh/hps... vegging is great with mh.


Well-Known Member
thanks al......i was thinking of vegging in another box with cfl's to keep the power usage down...but in def. going hps for flower