ANYONE heard of this?????oldschool


so every year on 420 my buddy throws these huge partys and there always the best. his father grey for years till he got busted for a bunch of trees around his chicken coop. anyway this guy (the dad ) one time he was showing me slides of all these crazy ass strains he use too breed i remember one was this huge sativa the was totaly black . iv seen alot of weed but this was nutts. he was telling me about all the tricks he would do and i remember him telling me that ...
around the end of flowering outside they would cutt the main stem with a razor horizontaly in the middle strait threw . then they take a tung depresser(or popsickle stick. and stick it in the sliced hole and twist it so that the tung depresser would kinda splitt the stem.
this was done to increase resin at te very end before harvest . so has anyone ever done this ? im pretty sure this dudes no joke he old school all outdoor but no joke so i wanna try this next year . but i dont wanna kill a plant . in theory i think it makes complete sense . hopfully one of you pros can elaberate . sorry about my spelling :eyesmoke:


Active Member
It sounds like a good idea to you to nail a pop-sickle stick through the main stalk of your budding marijuana plant to increase its productivity? Do you have some sort of newsletter I could subscribe to, sir?

Mr Bomb

Active Member
so every year on 420 my buddy throws these huge partys and there always the best. his father grey for years till he got busted for a bunch of trees around his chicken coop. anyway this guy (the dad ) one time he was showing me slides of all these crazy ass strains he use too breed i remember one was this huge sativa the was totaly black . iv seen alot of weed but this was nutts. he was telling me about all the tricks he would do and i remember him telling me that ...
around the end of flowering outside they would cutt the main stem with a razor horizontaly in the middle strait threw . then they take a tung depresser(or popsickle stick. and stick it in the sliced hole and twist it so that the tung depresser would kinda splitt the stem.
this was done to increase resin at te very end before harvest . so has anyone ever done this ? im pretty sure this dudes no joke he old school all outdoor but no joke so i wanna try this next year . but i dont wanna kill a plant . in theory i think it makes complete sense . hopfully one of you pros can elaberate . sorry about my spelling :eyesmoke:
I have never heard of this but sounds a little off. I personally would not try it but if you do maybe right before harvest during lights out just on one plant until you know whats going to happen. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
sounds like the old wives tale of putting a nail threw the stalk to increase


Well-Known Member
stressing ur plants like that does wonders for ur plants, thats y ppl suppercrop or crush the stem below a nug... what ever doesnt kill u makes u stronger rite! i have heard ppl useing a nail and then leaving it in there rather then a popsicle-stick... weeds a hearty plant that heals well


Active Member
ive heard you can break your main stalk pretty much in half a few days before harvest.. this sounds like the same idea.

i think the theory behind it is to hope the plants pushes out more resin to the buds.. maybe in an attempt to heal itself? not sure if thats a theory


Well-Known Member
you stab the stem and all the blood(thc) leaks out to the buds. that wat i meant to say
more harmons r created area to heal it, more then needed so it swells shit up.. if u do it below ur top masive healing harmons will be sent to that area to recoup resaultin in a larger nug.... and yes as long as the plant is severed, it will heal.. ma need some duct tape but will heal


I have never heard of this but sounds a little off. I personally would not try it but if you do maybe right before harvest during lights out just on one plant until you know whats going to happen. Good Luck.
little off i know . but can graiffed one tree to another and the top plant will live . the plant doesnt die. what the helll do these asshole think there doing when they snapp branch and it heals and grows a biger bud. right? i dont think anyone is realy thinking about anything but the fact that you have to cut the plant.


stressing ur plants like that does wonders for ur plants, thats y ppl suppercrop or crush the stem below a nug... what ever doesnt kill u makes u stronger rite! i have heard ppl useing a nail and then leaving it in there rather then a popsicle-stick... weeds a hearty plant that heals well
thanx dude. see? these people suck sometimes i give them a golden trick and they dont even consider that it might work.