Anyone use Age Old Organics?

Kine Sensi

Well-Known Member
I've been using them for my last two grows. I got them at the local hyroponics shop since the guy working there was saying so many good things about them, and how he was using them and they worked great for him blah blah blah (i was a newb). Anyway, I've been using them, but can't seem to find a good concentration to use. It has instructions on the back but it has different concentrations and dosages for different types of plants, so I don't really know what to use. I've been doing about 1/4 of the weakest concentration it recommends as I'm really afraid of burning my babies. Anyone use this stuff, and if so, what concentration works for you?


Well-Known Member
that's fine man. use a little bit and your gold. you could use more. but why waste the money? most fertilizers tell you to use more than you need, and more often. especially if you are in soil.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
use a quarter at the third node development, half, then full at the latter stages of veg. The plants i bet could take full str. Use full str all the way through flower then back off and flush. Top dress a couple of indo bat guano for flower a few weeks in.,

It looks like good stuff. FDD uses it. I would use ti but I went with BMO. Age old would be my next choice. All that kelp meal is good.

try using it like a tea. or feeding a tea when not fert feeding. Like half way through the week.

Use 4 tbsp of worm castigns a gallon, 4 cups compost, 1 tbs of moleasses, some super plant tonic if you got it, or liquid karma and unchlorinated water. A bacteria rich tea would ne nice.