

Does anyone know if has any sort of apparel? (Hoodies, Tee Shirts, Hats, etc) Or how about any online stores the sell apparel for growers? Ex.(Hortilux EYE, Advanced Nutrients, Barney's farm, Hydrofarm, etc.) Ive searched online but cant find anything. I find it hard to believe a market this large has nothing! Anyway, Any help would be appreciated Thanks, ...



bud bootlegger
you can take the riu symbol guy and take him to a site like cafe press and have them make a shirt from it, or hoody or w/e you want..

a lot of seedbanks sell gear like what you're looking for as well.. i'm pretty sure the single seed centre has a few shirts, and the attitude as well..
i've gotten weed strain name shirts from a few online stores, i think one was spark420 i want to say..


bud bootlegger
yeah, spark 420 is the one i've used as well as a few others..

just google weed shirts and you'll find a few good spots ime..