Are the cracked ice textured FRP panels (from HD or Lowes) safe/non toxic enough for making DIY NFT channels?

Good call. I have a stack of those already, for a simple NFT lettuce system. I also have some of the 5x5s for bigger cannabis Aero/NFT grow systems. I would totally consider PVC safe for what i'm trying to do. I need wider channels though. I have considered cutting the 5x5s in half to get 2 channels, and using smaller trays to sit in them, but not if I don't have too. Also I though about ripping down first, then heating up sand and pouring into the fence sleeves inside corner, and bending it flat (in the middle) so its a roughly 10 inch wide c channel (if that makes sense). I'd have a little L channel scrap peice leftover I could use for something as well.

I was hoping to keep the channels 10 inch wide to fit standard 10x20 trays (for mass seeding/microgreens/etc) and close to 46" long to fit on 4' racks, and with two 10x20s per channel.

FRP is only $32 a sheet down at home depot, and I could get x8 10"x46" sheets to line some boxes with for my channels, and use aquarium grade silicone to seal the edge seams. 1 sheet would do 4 tiers, basically a hole rack! I think the embossed cracked ice texture would help the water flow more evenly across the bottom of the channels too.

I'm just not sure if it would leach anything, I would be using low wattage LED lighting with no UV. No heat or anything..
This is exactly what i'm trying to emulate. They want a fortune to buy the channels, and cut them to 6' which is the wrong size I need.