are these a Hermies??!! 3 different platns


Well-Known Member
They look like straight up males to me...I don't see any pistils on any of them. Guys what do you all think? My vote goes for all 3 male.


Well-Known Member
Allz I see is nanerz dude... All dudes... Sorry... Time to start all over... Wah, wah, wah... Better luck next time...


You guys were all wrong! They were swollen calyxes! Good thing I didn't pull them. They now all have pistols coming out of them with no nannerz in sight. I guess the pics must of made those seems like nannerz.


Active Member
Some times I think most of these cats that post advice are dip shits or straight haters cause u can't even tell yet what they are from ur pics ur plants look healthy tho probably better than there's maybe that's y there so quick to give shit feedback


Ha your right man I should only take my own advice when sexing my plants because I stare at them for hours! I was tweakin for a couple days though but now i am so happy and relieved! FOR EVERYONE WHO READS THIS THREAD: DON'T PULL YOUR PLANTS UNTIL YOU ARE POSITIVE THEY ARE MALE AND DON'T TAKE ADVICE FROM PEOPLE WHO DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT YOUR PLANT BECAUSE THEY WILL TAKE A QUICK LOOK WITHOUT DOING ANY RESEARCH.