Are these seeds growing in the flowers?


Active Member
Was wondering if these have seeds growing on this AK. It's 32 days into flowering. I removed a male in the very beginning of flowering. Or is this a normal phase of the budding process?

Thanks for your input!_DSC7693.jpg _DSC7693.jpg _DSC7681.jpg


Active Member
Will the seeds be ok if it were a hermie?....cause I know that was stressed out..between the net pot going through the hole several times falling into the dwc bucket and I had to rig the pot with wires to hold it up. and when flowering I had to bend the top and tied down some branches due to it getting close to that 600 watt light. Which in my opinion it stressed, grew a nut sack and spewed on actually I think i found a male flower that was spent....kinda hard to actually see since that thing kinda out grew the 5x5x8 room and looks like a friggn jungle in there....


Well-Known Member
I don't see a pollen sack on that plant if you don't have a sack or nanners then its not a hermaphrodite. If you had a male in the room it probably opened. one pollen sack has shit tons of pollen in it.


Well-Known Member
I would try those seeds anyway. Reverse flower spray will change the seedlings back to female if they have the hermaphrodite trait.


Active Member
I don't see a pollen sack on that plant if you don't have a sack or nanners then its not a hermaphrodite. If you had a male in the room it probably opened. one pollen sack has shit tons of pollen in it.
I can swear I had seen one yesterday somewhere' near the top. looked like it was a male sac that opened....kinda hard to see when that thing just grew wild in the fault for this....oh well...I took that male out like 2 weeks into I couldn't see how that could be the issue.....


Well-Known Member
imo that plant doesn't look like it has been pollinated, if they're pollinated the pistils will have turned a reddish brown and started to curl/recede. Not seeing anything, so if it ends up that you have balls showing up it's more than likely a hermie. Difficult to see anything concrete in those pics other than I don't think it got pollinated.


Well-Known Member
Will the seeds be ok if it were a hermie?....cause I know that was stressed out..between the net pot going through the hole several times falling into the dwc bucket and I had to rig the pot with wires to hold it up. and when flowering I had to bend the top and tied down some branches due to it getting close to that 600 watt light. Which in my opinion it stressed, grew a nut sack and spewed on actually I think i found a male flower that was spent....kinda hard to actually see since that thing kinda out grew the 5x5x8 room and looks like a friggn jungle in there....
No get rid of the genitics and start again.


Well-Known Member
You should be able to see pollen if you touch it. the pic is kind of at the wrong angle I guess it could be flower peddles i dont know for positive.


Active Member
You should be able to see pollen if you touch it. the pic is kind of at the wrong angle I guess it could be flower peddles i dont know for positive.
Ok....I just noticed that earlier....I'll look again tomorrow and see if I can find anything else. Thanks for the help!