are we there yet?


Active Member
I am trying to decide if this plaint is done yet. I am on my 9th week of 12/12. It looks like 75% of the hairs have turned brown and the trichomes look cloudy but I don't see any amber trichomes. I changed to water only a week ago so the so the leaves are starting to turn yellow (not sure if I did that too early). here are some pictures, all of just one plaint. thanks!



Active Member
you should smell it, picture dose it no justice! I can't wait to burn some. I have a small peice drying, I just couldn't wait.


Active Member
I think I read someone's post that if you wait till the hairs are all brown, you're gonna get lesser THC; so I think you're is almost ready if not good to be harvested now. Someone correct me if I'm wrong... it would help when I harvest my plant.


Active Member
So the stuff I dried was nice. I didn't cure it or anything, just put it in a dehydrator for 12 hours. I think I felt the lack of amber tricromes but it was a nice high so I am thinking about harvesting this guy in the next couple of days unless anyone thinks differently.


Well-Known Member
hopefully someone will correct me if i'm wrong - but amber trichomes means the plant is losing potency and should be harvested before too many amber trichomes appear.

i don't think i could wait any longer :-)


Sector 5 Moderator
I agree with email; 9 weeks flowering should do it. I'm at 40 days flowering and I'm wondering the same thing. Pix: