Arjens haze late budding problem ??


Active Member

This is my 2nd indoor grow. I have done one outdoor grow with some success.

My first indoor attempt was 4 blueberry and 4 white widow and 1 big bang which got me 14 ounzes of the best weed I have had!!

This time I thought I would grow something different and chose Arjens ultra haze and Arjens haze 2. I germinated 4 of each of the hazes along with 4 bluberry.

I vegged them for 3 weeks.

The bluberrys have finished and been chopped. They are exactly 10 weeks into flowering now but only 2 of the ultra hazes have any amount of bud on them.

The others are all clearly just showing female hairs and starting to develope small flowers but look to me as though they are about 4 weeks into flowering if say they were a bluberry.

I have read conflicting advice on flowering times for these plants ranging from 9 weeks to 13 weeks.

I am thinking even if I have 3 more weeks left they are still not as developed as I would of thought.

Anyone offer any advice who has had experience with this strain?

I am flowering under a 600w sodium light and a red 250w envirolight

using biogrow bloom and kmax

temps range from 17 to 30 degrees in room but most of the time just right.

The plants grew much bigger than I expected and have all been bent over.

My first grow was a perfect success thanks to tips obtained here, this one I think I have approached a bit more hap hazard and given less attention to.




Active Member
Think I have found the answer,

I noticed on another thread I was reading someone said about not tieing string too tight round plant stems when bending.

I checked mine and the 2 plants that are budding well are both tied loose at the top and are anchored to the pot itself. The others I tied string between the lower stem and upper stem to bend and the lower stem ties had become tight due to the plants growth.

Could I of cut off circulation and prevented bud growth ??

If I have, now I have relase dthe pressure of the string, what is the likelyhood that the plant will recover and start to bud ???

Would appreciate some advice.



Active Member
Starting to get this weird paranoid feeling that I am talking to myself, might be due to that joint earlier or maybe not.


Well-Known Member
Hey there, I just ordered some seeds of Arjan's ultra Haze #1 and have been doing some research. have found that at greenhouse they need 13 weeks for the plants to reach maturity, my understanding is that its worth every second for the "rocket fuel" high. From the looks of it they get 7 foot tall monsters when flowering straight from clone, so unless you're growing in a warehouse i can see how you'd have height problems.
YouTube - Green House Arjan's Ultra Haze#1 Grow with Russian Subtitle heres a video of the king himself growing this beast.
Good luck and welcome to RIU!!!