Auto Flowering Light Question

I have some plants running that I let veg for a month on 18/6, then switched to 12/12 to flower. I know they would have flowered on their own eventually, but I figured what the hell. They have been on 12/12 for a month now and they are doing fine; however, I'm running out of time. This was my first grow, and I underestimated the time it would take for the plants to be ready. I'm moving out soon and am afraid they won't be ready in time. I was wondering if switching the lights to a longer light period would make the process go faster.. or if there is any other solution?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can speed up the process by adding a longer light period. Autos should be grow under 24/7/ 0r 20/4 but they don't need 12 hours of darkness. Keep your light son 24/7 and then check your trichs before you move out. Good luck and may all of your harvests be bountiful.


Well-Known Member
More light now the better. You want them to mature and light is the great maturer.
Before I set up another room I routinely grew autos and non-autos together. I would
veg them all at 20/4 for 5 weeks then switch to 12/12 for the non-autos. The autos kept on
growing and maturing at a slightly slower pace. I would guess that 6 weeks at 12/12 for
autos would be about the same as 5 weeks at 20/4, growth-wise.
