Autoflowering Questions


Active Member
Hey RIU,

I am a new grower. I've purchased seeds off of attitude and I currently have four beauties growing. I've been doing research however and I'd be interested in buying autoflowering seeds just to get a shorter harvest. Here are my questions...

What is the best strain to grow?
What is a typical autoflower yield?
Can you get multiple harvests from a single plant? (this may be a stupid question but I read it somewhere and I haven't been able to find anymore information on it)

I know many growers are against autoflowering plants.. I don't need the negatives. I just would like my questions answered.



Well-Known Member
If you haven't already, take a look at this thread devoted to autoflowers:

"Best strain to grow" based on what? Good luck on getting a consensus regarding the "best strain". Read some auoflower journals, check out the strain/seed review section, review the info on the various autoflowers on Attitude's website - and take your pick.
Not sure what a typical autoflower yield is. My guess is less than an ounce.
I don't believe you can get multiple harvests from a single plant. It automatically flowers and you harvest it. That's it.


Well-Known Member
i grew auto ak-47 for my first grow and they are extremely hearty plants. my conditions were AWEFUL and they made it to harvest. i would recommend them to anyone.

auto growers typically get about an ounce off a good plant, usually no more than 2 ounces(best case senario). check out that thread though, it helped me out a lot.

multiple harvests are not likely but i read somewhere that if you leave the rootball in the soil, the stem with generate new growth. probably easier just to plant a new seed.
