Average experienced grower.


New Member
Hi guys.

I'm on my 4th grow now. My setup is

1.2x1.2 tent
1x600 hps
5inch intake
6inch out take
Cool tube
I've always grown in coco.

Now I have two of these set ups exacty the same.

What is the quickest way to harvest my girls. I've always done it the normal way but I've recently been looking in to a sea of green in each.

What would be more beneficial in your experienced opinions?

It's either a sog or normal.

If normal I intend to veg some whilst flowering as most people would do.

Would i get higher quicker, with more dank buds doing a sea of green?

Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
If you got two 600 rooms I would get a third tent and put a t5 in it. Use the tent with the t5 for starting and cloning. Go perpetual... However many plants you put under each light I would setup to harvest every four weeks... It's gonna take a little to get started but I think faster harvests are worth it. Let's say you put 6 under each hps. Start 6 seeds. Veg them with the t5 until ther are your desired height. Take 10 clones from them. I say 10 cause some might die.. Put the 6 seeds in one of the tent, and put your clones in the veg tent. In 3-4 weeks take 6 more clones and put the other clones in the other tent. In 4 weeks harvest one tent, and repeat the cycle...


LEts say you do 6 plants per light. Start 12 seeds. Veg in the t5 tent for 2-4 weeks. Take 15 clones....once again 15 cause some might die. When u harvest take clones from the clone sang repeat...


New Member
Cheers for the reply mate.

What I'm finding difficult is space basically.

I do have another tent which is half the size. 600mil x 600 mil. Now the t5 light. Will it be possible to cool it in such a small tent or does it give off a lot of heat?

I have spare 4 n 5 inch fans


New Member
So In tent A I currently have 12 kush which are 4 days in to veg. they are under a mh bulb.

The plan was to veg in tent A and then transfer 6 in to tent B.

Then crack some seeds and repeat the process.

Maybe I should take clones off my current ones (when they are able).


Well-Known Member
T5 is very easy to cool.mi don't fen ventilate the little ones I got, just keep the side flap open. You could put them in the smaller tent with a t5 with just a basic clip fan and it will be fine. I would figure out a method to switch the two hps for flowering tents and use a t5 with the smaller tent.. In the end, both of the 600w on 12/12 timers and the t5 on a 18/6 timer will save electric I think.